Chapter 1: The beginning

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Hey guys, so I decided to write up a new story and see what you guys think about it. Hopefully you'll all like it. Any comments or votes would be appreciated. Thanks xx 

Let’s start to where it all began. A time where I didn’t have to worry about time. The time when I was born …

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 It was July 5th and I was born on a very windy yet sunny day. One of those days where you just wonder if the weather is tormenting you. It was 5:05pm when I finally came out and they said that I cried so loud the lights above me shook. That’s right, I was a powerful crier. During the time my mother was giving birth to me, there were slight difficulties and it was difficult for her to push me out. Of course, in the end she was able to do it. 

 “What will you name him ma’am?” the doctor asked her. 


 She died that exact moment. Her time ran out and she died holding me. She knew it was coming and because her time was running out she was getting weaker and weaker and that’s why it was difficult for her to push me out. She remained strong to the very end though, but I don’t remember what she looked like or how she even sounded. The only thing I knew about her was that she named me Jacob. As for my father, nobody knows what happened to him. Not even my mother knew. When the new system came where time was what was keeping us alive or killing us, my father left and was never heard of again. Maybe he got scared and ran away, nobody really knows and nobody has really cared. Of course, when I was growing up I was constantly thinking about what had happened to him, but as I’ve grown older I’ve realised that I honestly don’t care what’s happened to him. He left his family purely because he was scared of this new system. What a coward. 

 I am now currently seventeen years old, turning eighteen in a months time and I’ve got to admit, I’m a little nervous. The first stage of my life is coming up and I’m going to have to pass it if I don’t want lose time or age by two years. We all start off with a time of 10 years. Failure to pass the test will result in a loss of 6 months which if you think about is quite a lot of time to be gone. If you pass the test, you gain 3 months. So it’s a little cruel, but I’ve been training for this moment and I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to survive. My guardian, Wonton, took me in when my mother passed away and he’s been helping me train ever since I could walk. If it wasn’t for Wonton I wouldn’t know where I’d be right now, so I owe him my life. Wonton has aged to be 40 years old, but his literal age is 70, so he’s been here for quite a long time and know his way around the place and the different stages. Of course, it’s getting harder for him to pass the different stages as he ages more, but there is still a fighting spirit within him and I know he’s going to keep fighting until his time reaches 0. That’s what I admire about him, and I’ve always hoped that his strong determination and firing spirit has resonated within me. Only one way to find out. 

 “Jacob, you have only more month until you face what most of us would call hell. Make sure you make the most of it. Go out, hang with friends. Meet some girls.” Wonton said, smiling as he walked away. 

 “Alright, I will go right now.” I replied as I walked out of the door and into the streets of mayhem. 

 I decided to walk to Tess’ house and see if she wanted to hang out. Tess was one of those friends I’ve had for years and could never find a way to get rid of. Not that I’d want to get rid of her. I mean, she’s my best friend and in about a months time she’s going to be turning eighteen too, so we kind of depend on each other for emotional support I guess you could say. 

 On the way, a lady who looked about 70 years old had dropped a whole heap of food so I decided to help her out. 

 “Ma’am are you okay?” I asked.

 “Yes yes, I’m fine. Thank you umm …” 


 “Thank you Jacob. It means a lot, I’ve gotten so old and I know I don’t have long to live.” she said, sadness in her voice.

 “What’s your literal age if you don’t mind me asking?” I hope it didn’t come across as rude. 

 “I’m 25 years old, but I’ve kept failing and then in some lucky changes passes the different stages, so I’ve aged quite a bit. I’m going to die lonely. Who would ever think in the past that life was going to end up like this? Depending on time.” she said, as she started to walk away.

 “Are you going to be okay ma’am?” I asked before she could get away.

 “I’ll be fine young man. Make sure you take care of yourself, this world needs more men like you. Take care now.” I watched her walk off until I could no longer see her again. 

 I decided to think about what she had said along the way to Tess’ place. This world has had more people dying and less births over the years. People are thinking more about passing the stages rather than enjoying life for what it is. It’s kind of sad, really. It consumes you I guess, the idea of having to pass stages in order to stay alive and stay young. This world really is screwed up. 

 As I reached Tess’ house I saw her house wrecked. Her windows were smashed and her door was smashed down. I ran to her house, frightened. 

 “Tess! Tess! Where are you!?” I screamed into the house, but all that replied was the echo of my own voice. 

 I looked around the house, looking for any sign of Tess or her father, and then I heard a creak come from the stairs. I slowly walked towards the stairs.


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