Chapter 7: My mother?

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"I'm your mother." She said, staring at me, waiting to see how I would respond to this blasphemous statement. 

"My - my mother? How could you be my mother? She died when I was born." I replied, staring back at her with disbelief in my eyes. 

"I almost died. My time was closing to an end and I had closed me eyes anticipating for my life to just be taken out of me, but it didn't. And by the time I realised I was still alive, you had been taken away from me. Believe me kid, I was looking all over for you when I woke up from that hospital bed, but I couldn't find you. You were all gone. I had asked every single nurse, every single person I could find, even the patients to see if they had seen you at all. But no one had claimed to have seen you or remembered me. I was lost, misdirected and just a complete mess by the time they discharged me. As soon as I got out from that hospital, two men were waiting for me. One wearing a ski mask and this other, smaller guy, whose name was Derrick." I felt numb and dumbstriken. Derrick. I knew him. 

"I know those two. They were looking for me and had caught me, but I was able to get out." I said, nodding my head in rememberance. 

"I know, I was there too. When I had come out from that hospital, they had grabbed me and taken me back to the place where you were held captive. I was there for almost 18 years. When you arrived there, there was lots of chaos and mayhem and then there was a problem that had risen and I thought that you had escaped, and that was when I realised I had to try and escape too so that I could protect you when you got out. When you escaped everyone was preoccupied trying to catch you so it wasn't that hard for me to go unoticed. Thank heavens I was able to find you as easily as I did though." Her eyes started to go watery, and I knew that these past few years had been hell for her. 

I moved to where she was and hugged her, "It's okay now mum. I'm here." Tears started pouring down her eyes as she started to sob on my shoulder. 

"I thought I had lost you. I thought I would never see you again and I thought that even if I did find you, you would hate me for leaving you alone for so long," she said, her voice muffled from her crying. 

"I would never hate you mum. I understand what happened." I replied, stroking her back and reassuring her that everything was okay now. 

After a while she lifted her head from my shoulder and wiped away her tears, smiling in the process as if she was happy that we were together again. I, too, was very pleased to have found part of my family. All my life I had grown up believing that I had no family left and Wonton was the closest I would ever get. Trust me, I loved Wonton and I had always considered him as family, but just genuinely having real famiy around was just a thousand times better. It made me feel more safe and like I didn't have to do everything on my own. 

"So, what's your name?" I asked, thinking that that would be an appropiate question to start with, considering I haven't seen let alone talked to my mum for the past fifiteen years. 

"My name's Brooke," she answered, smiling up at me. 

Can't believe just a couple of minutes ago I thought she was hot. Oh god, how awkard is that. "So, what now?" I asked her, as she went back to looking around the house. 

"Well, we can't stay here for long. Seeing as I only got out too, I haven't been able to find a good place to hide and kind of broke into this house. It's quite a lovely house. Can you check to see if you can find any good food that can last for a while?" She said, pointing to the cupboards and fridge in the kitchen.

I made my way to the kitchen and started searching for food. I had founed a couple of canned food that would probably last us a couple of days. As we put them into bags I said, "Those people who had held me captive are still looking for me, and the government or people in charge or whatever you call those people who pull the strings have made this rule where people are looking for me." 

"Yes, I heard about that. But it's going to be okay. We just have to keep a low profile. When it reaches your birthday, that's going to be the real problem, cause you'd need to pass the stages in order to gain more time. When I was being held captive, I heard the people who were holding me prisoner saying that if someone doesn't go to do the stages long enough, then time will just be automatically deducted and that could cause big problems for the both of us. We need to find a way to do the stages, but keep a low profile, and at this stage, I have no idea how we're going to do that." 

"But, throughout all this time, how did you manage to keep your time the same depite you not being able to do the stages?" I asked her.

"Before they had held me prisoner, they gave me the same amount of time I started with: ten years. And then when they placed me in the room there was this special device that stopped time from counting down, so that's how I still have ten years on me." She replied, looking at her and showing me the amount of time she had. It had already started counting down. 

"Okay, so why don't we just steal that device?" Asking what probably seemed like the most obvious option.

"We could, but there are slight implications to that plan. First of all, that place is heavily guarded, and the only reason I was able to make it out of there was because of you. Now that both of us aren't there anymore, their guards will be just as heavily guarded if not more. Secondly, there's only one of then, and from what I know, that device can only stop time for one person. So even if we were to get it, only one of us could use it. Thirdly, I have no idea how it works. I never got to touch it or inspect it, so the chances of us being able to figure out are highly unlikely. However, that plan does seem like the only option we have left, but we have to take it slow and figure out first if we have any other options we can explore, and then we'll go from there." 

As Brooke zipped the bags up, there was a bang from the front door and voices. We both looked up from what we were doing and crouched down, hiding behind the bench in the kitchen. 

"Gus, we have to find that kid first. How good would it be if we were to have infinite time, we would never age," a guy said, as he stepped into the dining room the was only inches away from the kitchen. 

"But Luke, the man who announced it only offered one person to get infinite lifetime, so both of us wouldn't get it. Only one of us would," Gus replied.

"Oh, right. Well, I'm sure we'll figure it out," Luke answered as he slapped Gus on his back and stepped into the kitchen where his foot was only inches away from Brooke and I. He opened the fridge and looked around for what I was guessing was food, "Dude, where's all our food?" 

There was a loud crashing noise outside and both Luke and Gus ran towards the door to see what had happened. When they opened the door and went out, Brooke and I stood up and opened the door that was in the kitchen, leading to the back of the garden and with the bags, we stepped outside and ran towards the side of the house. 

We carefully walked alongside the side until we saw two figures standing at the front. We retreated back to the side of the house and waited for them to return to their house. Once they went back in, we went onto the streets and saw fire in the middle of the street. Peope were crowding around it, shocked looks on their faces, looking around for some needed assistance. 

"What the hell happened here?" 

Woo new chapter up! This chapter focused mainly on Brooke and Jacob, but I hoped you guys liked it nevertheless. If you like this story, check out my other called 'Bi the Power of Love.' It's a totally different genre to this, so if you're wanting something a little different then check it out! 

Anyways, I'm hoping to put the new chapter up as soon as possible, hopefully either this week or next week, but it will be coming! Thanks guys for all the support. Vote, comment or follow if you liked this chapter or the previous chapters before it. Cya xx 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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