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You brows arched with confusion, wondering why Jungkook was rubbing both his eyes right now.

When the faint sobs finally reaches your ear, almost immediately you step out of your hiding - from behind the curtain- before rushing your way towards Jungkook.

"Kookie why are you crying?" You try to hold him, but he only jerks away from your touch. The moment he lets his arms fall to his lap, eyes meeting yours. As if he had realized it was you all along, a whale escapes him as he gets up on both his feet to hugs you tight.

The volume of his cry dramatically increases as he tightens his grip on you. Both his arms were wrapped around your neck, his head nuzzled against it.

You slowly start patting his back in attempt of calming him down.

"Noona is here Kookie." You assured


After staying like that for a few minutes. You finally pulled back, cupping both his cheeks, before gently wiping away the stream of tears that were still visible.

He avoids your gaze, too embarrassed to have you seen him like that, eyes glued to his fiddling fingers.

"Were you scared?" You questioned, tilting your head to the side to get a better view of his face.

He felt his heart jump a bit when he decides to lift his head up only to see you so close. Surprised would be an uderstatement. He was terrified. Not that kind of terrified though. Just shocked.

He did just came from crying his heart out, so one might know that he was still sensitive with emotions.

He stumbles backwards almost falling if it weren't for you quickly grabbing unto his arms, pulling him back just in time, saving him for the second time today, from colliding with the floor.

You sigh under your breath, feeling ba for making him scared. He didn't have to say it, you could tell he was scared by the tears he was shedding a while ago.

You shoot him a smile before making his sit in front of you.

"Noona is sorry Kookie. "You apologized, slowly caressing his pitch black locks, that stubbornly goes back to its messy updo no matter how many times you try to swipe in down.

Jungkook once again avoided your gaze, lowering his head down to stare at his fiddling fingers that's rested in between his crossed legs.

You hear him sniff, your inside feeling guilty once again, before you're able to pick up the words he decides to faintly speak out.

"N-Noona not hide from Kookie a-again."

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