Protect II - TFP Ratchet x Cybertronian Reader

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This is part two of Protect TFP Ratchet x Cybertronain Reader due to u people's request. So go read part 1 if u haven't.
Oh right, I didn't exactly proofread it in serial do, excuse the mistakes

Sitting on the edge of the building, digit trailing along the smooth surface as the moon reflected on the (f/c) form.

"I'm not fixing you up if you fell." A low voice grumbled as footsteps got close, (Y/n) turned around and grinned at the orange and white bot before her.

"Like this?" (Y/n) smirked and tilted slightly moving around, pretending she was going to fall down the tall building.

"Stop." The bot said seriously as he rolled his eyes at the femme's actions. "I swear (Y/n), you're like a kid."

"Aw come on #(%#)^@." (Y/n) grinned and sat up straight. "But you will catch me if I fell right?"

"I'll think about it." $^(%&@% replied with a small smile on his face. Turning in blue gaze towards the glimmering city, cybertronians drove around the streets to go home or out elsewhere, busying themselves with activities.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" (Y/n) asked, following the bot's gaze towards the night city. "I like sitting here and just watch them, the way the city feels alive."

!#&$@(^ walked up behind her and circled his arms around her waist as he watched the city. "Cybertron's not the only beautiful thing." He said and rested his chin on the crook of her neck. "It's a beautiful night as well."

"You're so soft sometimes @&(!^#*." (Y/n) giggled and leaned back slightly on the white and red bot. "I'm glad I get to see that."

"Pfft." The bot huffed as the (f/c) femme giggled. "Love ya, @#%."

"I told you to not call me that. My name is !*$@(#%, not (!#*." He said with a tinge of playfulness in in his voice.

"Gosh you're so stubborn." (Y/n) laughed and shook her head and said again. "I love you @*$&#)%."

Groaning slightly (Y/n) woke up on her berth, it's been a few months since she was rescued by the Autobots. Her amnesia barely showed sign of improvement, only that she would at random times remember random things about herself such as her favourite colour is (f/c) which is why she painted her paintjob the way it is. But much to her disappointment she never remembered anything too important, just random small facts, until just then.

The dream felt so real, she could still feel the warmth the other bot gave off when they gaze into the night city. Sitting up on the recharge slab and swinging her legs to the side, there's someone out there and she's sure of it. Someone that was important, someone that meant everything to her yet who? Recapturing the memories, everything seems to be a blur, the words, the name, the face. (Y/n) couldn't make out 'who' this bot was, but she's never been so sure in her life that the bot wasn't made up.

Opening the door, she headed out of the room to the one bot who may help her. "Ratchet?" Calling out to the orange and white medic as she entered the med bay.

Ratchet glanced up from his work, his blue optics glowing brightly as he hummed in reply.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" (y/n) asked, stopping beside the autoboot medic. "I remembered something, someone, and I was hoping perhaps you would know them or you'll be able to help me. After all you had been a great help ever since the team saved me."

Ratchet paused on his work, looking up from the screen towards the femme. His clear blue optics glowed with a tinge of hope. He nodded and signalled for her to sit down on the berth.

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