Till we meet again - RID Sideswipe X Neutral Predacon Reader

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A/n Yay, a request that was made ages ago finally finished...kinda. Well honestly I haven't watch RID in like an year so idek if Sideswipe is like that. Tbh I think I got him wrong :T

Welp, too bad if I did cause I'm not redoing it and probs not gonna do anymore RID 2015 ones. Oh and I wrote this and haven't exactly proof read it and all so if things doesn't make sense...you know why and the plot us kinda crappy as well...sorry.  

Still hope you like it nonetheless!

Requested by @AlueDaBest101 

You held the side of your waist as you leaned against the side of the cave. Footsteps rushed past you along with desperate yells, once the sound faded away you sighed heavily. Sliding down the cold stone surface, finally free from the Alchemor, free from the Autobot scum's surveillance.

Your servo tightened around the wound on your waist, hoping to stop the crystal blue liquid that's leaking out from your system. You winced at the pain but stayed silent, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention. You were no stranger to pain, but that doesn't meant you welcomed it in any ways.

"Tch." Spatting silently as you lifted the servo that was over the wound up, it was already covered in energon, and in no doubt if this continues much longer you would pass out due to the lack of energon actually in your body. Shifting to a more comfortable position on the cold concrete, you leaned back on the wall and sighed, holding your servo over the wound again. "Screw them." you mumbled in pain.

You stayed in the position for a period of time, your mind browsed through all the possibilities and ways to patch yourself up and get off this filthy ball of dirt. However, your thoughts got interrupted by the sounds of footsteps once again. You jumped at the sound and quickly backed up further into the shadows, you stayed behind a boulder with your (weapon) in hand, ready to strike at anything that comes too close.

As time ticked by, you could hear the owner of the footstep getting closer until they stopped a few feet away from you. "Bingo. Looks like we've got one on the loose." You could hear a masculine voice say in a cocky tone. "We got an Energon trail as well, awesome."

Your optics narrowed at the word, 'we' as you silently cursed in your mind forgetting the leaking energon that lead a trail to your current position. Seems like you would have to do more work to get rid of the enemy, it's not like you're not confident about it. You were after all, captured for mass murder all those days ago, and you've escaped from stickier situations than this in the past.

Just as you were about to strike out from the boulder the bot spoke again, "See how the team like it when I bring back a prisoner all by myself.". You were relieved to know there was only one bot, otherwise things would've been much more messier. "How hard could it b-" Before the enemy could finish his sentence you strike out, swiping your leg against his causing him to fall. You quickly pinned him down and kicked his stick like weapon away as you pressed your weapon against his jaws, aiming up to his head.

"Very hard...." The bot said to himself with wide blue eyes, staring at your form. You glared at him, not able to give the intruder a good look until now. He had spiky armor and a few blue lights complimenting his red armor, the wheels on his shoulders indicates he has a ground vehicle. But not like you cared, you made your move, ready to demolish his head until he yelled loudly.

"WAIT!!" He yelled loudly and waved his hands in front of his face. "You're hurt and I can help you!" He offered.

You rolled your (e/c) optics at his words, you can't believe how bad his excuse was. "Pfft. Like I'll believe you. You'll just hand me over to your leader, I know your little tricks Autobot scum." you spat and pressed your weapon harder onto his head.

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