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Arriving at the beach house she stared at it with wide eyes, her mouth in the shape of a small 'o'. She had been hesitant at first, going with him, but after she'd told him her fears he'd immediately insisted she'd go with him. He told her she shouldn't be afraid that the shooter would come for her there, because even if they were partners he doubted they'd think she'd take hiding with him. Eventually he'd gotten her to agree, one late night at the hospital when she was once again dosing off in his bed. She knew she shouldn't have been there, especially not in his bed, but she couldn't help it! It felt so safe to be near him, to have her body touching his gently, and he made her feel home. He made her feel as though everything was going to be alright. So she'd agreed. She would join him to his beach house in the Hamptons. Breaking the news to his mother and daughter, Alexis hadn't seemed too excited about it. The teen hadn't exactly told them that, but it was something Kate could see in her blue eyes. Martha had just been delighted and had been excited to hear the news. The two redheads had gone to the house one day before them to be able to stock it up with food and remake the beds, especially making sure the guest room would be ready for Kate to use. Kate had tried to tell them not to go through the trouble, she could do it herself once she got there but of course her partner's mother wouldn't let that happen. 'You're the guest, darling', she'd said determined.

"You think you'll like it here?" his voice breaking through her thoughts as she continued to eye the big mansion.

"Do I think... Castle, this is huge," she exclaimed, glancing at him sitting in the passenger seat.

She'd insisted on driving, knowing he couldn't and refusing to let a cab driver know they would both be at the same location she'd seen no other choice.

"Well, did I ever tell you I'm a famous mystery writer?" he said in a nonchalant but teasing voice.

She chuckled, deciding to play along, "No, I think you missed that part." Their eyes met and she bit her tongue as she smiled small.

"Come on, I wanna show you the inside," he said with a glimpse of excitement in his blues.

Shaking her head at the childishness she knew his body was filled with, she opened her door and quickly went around the car in order to help him out. He didn't exactly tell her he was hurting but she could tell and she felt responsible for his pain. She should've been the one in pain, not him. When he took a step out of the car he grunted at the small pain, but she didn't point it out. If she'd been the one in pain she hadn't wanted him to, so why should she? Alexis met with them in the door, opening it up for them and gave her dad a careful hug before she told him about everything they'd gotten and how she and Martha would be the ones making the dinner that night. Rick tried to argue, saying he was fine but Alexis won that argument pretty easily by simply stating he wouldn't be able to stirr anything without moving his arm which would therefore make his stitches sting. Kate couldn't agree more, she didn't say anything though, didn't dare interfere. There was no way she would give the teen any more reason to despite her being there, even if this argument had been in the teen's favor.

"Let me show you the guest room," he suggested as soon as his daughter walked away with a knowing smile.

"Okay," she whispered and followed him into the big house.

They went slow, each step having his face wrinkle with what she assumed was pain, and once they came into the room she couldn't keep quiet anymore.

"Castle, just, sit down a little," she gestured to the bed. "Please."

"I'm fine," he brushed it off with a wave of his hand but she gave him a look and he conceded.

He slumped down on the bed and she let her bag fall down beside him, quietly started unpacking her things, putting her clothes into the empty bureau. Once she was done they continued the tour of the house and she couldn't stop being amazed about the whole thing. She was glad she'd decided to go with him, even if it meant she had to leave the case behind. The boys had, of course, been all too eager to take it from her, both knowing exactly how deep she could go in the hole unless someone stopped her. They hadn't found anything more and it frustrated the hell out of her. Not to mention they'd met their new captain the day before she went on a leave. Captain Victoria 'iron' Gates. She was nothing like Montgomery. Kate had been on her way to get cut off the case, and they had only met her for one day! She already disliked the captain. Though, Gates had proved her being away for the summer, of course she had said something about it being good for her mental health which Kate did absolutely not like at all. Anyway, she wouldn't let her new captain destroy her... vacation? Getaway?

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