Early On

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Memories. Memories are all I have left. No family. No friends. No sanity. Only thing I have left is memories.

My name is Anti. I was born to a noble family on a cold winters morning on February 7, 1990. I born and raised in a decent home with my four older siblings and my mother or ma as I called her. I have my two eldest brothers and my two eldest sisters. My mother lost my father the day I was born. He died protecting the then rightful king of Youtubia. That's the kingdom I grew up in. He died protecting King ken the kind. My father was given an honorary ceremony. I never knew much of him other than he was kind and gentle and willing to sacrifice his life for others.

Since my father was dead, my mother worked day and night to provide for us. My sisters, as soon as they turned 16, worked for king ken and the royal court. My second oldest brother worked for the knights of the kingdom. My eldest brother Malcolm or Mally as I called him would raise me.

He knew I was the weakest of the others. I was the runt after all. So he worked with me. Getting me stronger and faster. One time I remember when I was about 5 I wanted to fly like him. So I gathered everything I could to lift me off the ground high enough to fly. Mally walked in and caught me before I hurt myself. He told me when I'm older I can start flying but for know, I would have to wait. I started crying and yelling that I wanted to fly now but he got mad and threw me in my room for the entire rest of the day. He later came in and I said I was sorry. He said I know you are and brought me my favorite snack, a bunch of chocolate chip cookies. My eyes lit up like two bright stars and a giant smile spread across my face. I hugged him and we ate them together.

It actually was around this time I was to meet an old friend turned mortal enemy. This man betrayed me when I needed him the most. He made me the way I am today. His name is Darkiplier. That son of bitch destroyed me, left me a shell of a man I'll never forgive him for what he did. 

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