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One year later

Jack screamed for Anti. He was missing his Spider-Man socks again. "Why do you blame me for you're shot going missing?" Anti asked with a snicker before he threw the socks in his face. "Hi, Signe!" Anti said before he left, waving at Signe. He was going to meet Dark to watch the sunset again. Since the fight with the King, they've become brothers once more. Dark being able to fly at hyperspeed visits Anti quite often.

"Dark I'm so glad to be back to somewhat normal. You know? Like I have a family again. And a life. Though I don't have my wings I still have you." He said smiling. "Anti you were never normal you dummy. But yeah I agree." They sat and watched the sunset, that's when Anti noticed something off. The sun... glitched. "Did you notice that?" Anti asked. "Anti what are you talking about?" Dark asked. "Maybe it was just me. Sorry." Anti said before they continued to watch.


It's been two years since Anti came back completely insane. He tried to kill the good king and was brought down by his own friend. One he referred to as a brother, Dark. The King, friends with him as well, couldn't bear to see him suffer so. So he put him into a coma filed state. Where he can dream and be himself again. Yes though he did lose his mother, he never lost his brothers or sisters.

"Do you think he'll ever be normal Dark? I miss him. I miss my... little brother." Malcolm asked years building up once more. He visits his brother as often as he can. He talks to him. He takes care of him. "Mally, I don't know. I doubt it though. He was such a good person. He didn't deserve to suffer the way he did. This is for the best." With a nod Malcolm left. The King walked in. "How is he?" Pewds asked. Since the start of his ruling he has been a fair and honest king winning the wars and stopping the diseases that were common.

"He's the same. Do you think we could ever wake him up?" Dark asked. "Dark... this is the lesser of two evils. We wake him up and he doesn't know what's going on. He won't get it, his mind would break even worse. I'm sorry but this is the only option besides...." the word wouldn't come out. They couldn't. They both sat quietly and watched the man lying in bed. His breathing was steady and calm.

"I'll see ya, buddy," Dark said to Anti as he walked away. King Pewds did the same."I'm sorry my friend. We care about you, this is for the best. We'll see you soon." The King walked out of the room and alone laid the man. And he would remain like this until the end of his days.


Dark was taking Anti into his arms and flying him around. "Guys come on! Foods ready." Signe yelled. They came inside and ate together. They talked late into the night and into the morning they were asleep cuddled onto the couch.

"Anti... you know I have to go home," Dark said. "Okay... I'll see ya again." Anti said as he hugged him bye. He flew away in a blink of an eye. "Hey Anti Ready to make some videos?" Jack yelled from his recording studio. "Hell yeah!" Anti said as he entered the room. And they continued this. And they had fun. Lived there lives and grew old together.

Anti never did leave his reality. He enjoyed a life. A wonderful happy life. While laying in a bed. The King and Dark both grew old. Anti as well. Of course, the King passed. The ceremony was huge. Dark didn't go through. He was busy morning the loss of his brother. Died at an old age, never living his true life. And Dark had to live for many more years with that guilt eating away at him. Until...

"Dark ya goof... let's go! I'll race you to the pond!" It was Anti. He... looked normal. Like his old self. Young and plump, with wings and no scars. "Dark are you okay?" He asked. Dark looked into the water and saw his reflection. It wasn't that of an old man anymore. He was young and handsome again. "Come in big brother!" Anti said while sticking his tongue out. Dark smiled, because he knew what happened... and Anti did too. "You're on!" They played on and on. Being the brothers they once were. 

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