The Arrival to the Kingdom

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Anti, Dark, and Trico arrived at the Kingdom by the early afternoon. They didn't worry about bringing the owl-cat into the Kingdom because it was a massive place where odd creatures would pass by all the time. So Trico was just another monster passing by.

"Hey Anti, before we enter the place I should warn you it's not the same. It's filled with diseased people and-" "Dark please. I don't want to know. I just want to get this over with." Anti interrupted Dark quickly. He knew in the back of his head that the place where he grew up was most likely gone. The only thing that was normal from his childhood that was the same would be the memories that lives on in his head. His family. His friends. His sanity. Anti knew what was coming. He felt it. The stinging from his eyes. The painful memories of yesterday. Forever gone and never to return. And now he had to take care of one problem that caused so much grief, a once great friend. A friend who would finish his sentence. At this point Anti had stopped walking and was looking down at the ground. The tears rolling down his pale cheeks, eyes a tint of red from crying. "Anti? What's the matter?" Dark asked. "I'll never get them back. The memories. I miss the way things were before things became the way they are now. That's why I'm crying Dark." Dark didn't say anything. Honestly what could he say. He just walked over to Anti and hugged him. He gave him a tight squeeze to the point where Anti couldn't breath. "Okay okay you win. Jeez trying to kill me huh?" Anti asked laughing. "Yup, by squeezing you to death." The two of them laughed a bit before they continued walking.

The trio entered the kingdom through the dramatic gates. It's been one year and four months at this point since Anti has been in, but he wasn't shocked at he saw. The kingdom in horrific conditions that would boggle the mind of the sane. However, Anti isn't sane.

They looked all around the Kingdom. Bodies laid in the middle of the street. Some decomposed for at least three weeks. To be the least, Crime was happening wherever you turned. Children were actually running up to fruit stands and stealing the fruit and running around the corner to hide. The clerks would chase them and other children would come in take all the fruit that they could, then run. Damn these kids were smart.

It smelt horrible like rotting flesh and a thick smell of an unidentifiable scent. Death maybe? As the trio went on they made even more grueling discoveries. Children. Burnt. A giant pile of ash and in the middle of the street with a single toddler size shoe laid in the middle of the ground. It was to much for Anti. He ran away. He ran to somewhere where he could forget about the shoe. Forget about the murder plot. Dark yelled for Anti telling him to stop. Until a pale white hand had grabbed Dark by the collar. "Who the- wait? Is that you? Chase Brody?!" Dark asked. He was excited and nervous because Chase was the one who replaced Anti when he left. "So is that the Anti I keep hearing about?" Chase asked while Dark was in deep thought. He had no idea Anti had come back to see Chase and Dark together. "Yeah it's me, why do you want to know?" Anti asked.

"It's an honor to meet you finally after all this time Mr.Eye! You're battling tactics are quite fantastic. Bourne King wants you gone forever. He has confirmed to that he wanted to send both you and Dark to somewhere, I don't know where. I've been looking for you Dark for like a week to warm you." Chase gave Dark a concerned look. "How are your wife and kids man?" Dark asked. "They're safe in the countryside. We plan to move to the other world where you guys left." Chase said. "Anyway we do t have time to talk anymore," Chase said looking over his shoulder. "Chase was planning on killing him!" "Well count me in! I want my children to grow up where they feel safe, not have to look over their shoulders for the rest of their life."

They all agreed. They'd all, kill the king. "So you think you can take me on! Well think again! " a strange voice said. "What was that?" Chase asked. "Was that the-"

They all looked up and saw the king using his mega powers! He was listening the whole time! " Chase you're children shall die by my hands tonight and Dark and Anti! You will be burnt to a pile of ash like those children. When you go to the netherworld!" "Don't fucking hurt my kids you bastard! I'll kill you before you lay a single finger on them!" Chase yelled at the king. All the king did was snicker. Anti and Dark looked at each other thinking the same thing! It's now or never!

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