Wrong Person, Wrong Country!

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"Hey there guy, I'm mark... you look just like me!" Mark said relatively calmly. They were at the beach."Yeah I know, this a parallel universe, so I'm the opposite of you, how come your so cool with this? Dark asked curiously."I don't know, I just guess it's because I know you. I recognize you." Mark said with a smile. Tyler Ethan Amy and Katherine all stood at the side just shocked and perplexed on this situation." Oh cool, I wonder if anti met his opposite. How did that go down? " "Wait...Anti? As in Antisepticeye? I think Jack might know something about him." "What? Who's Jack?" Dark asked "Who's jack?" Mark asked shocked. "Jacksepticeye, the biggest subscribed YouTuber in Ireland, he has like 15 million subscribers. He's got green hair. A neutral Irish accent." Mark said shocked.

Dark looked at mark with a sour gut feeling. "So what you're saying is you heard of anti. You know where he is. And he's with a guy named 'Jack' , what an odd name by the way, and you're saying he's in another place?" Mark responded with a simple answer" yes" and also said " his real name is Sean, it's just a nickname his mother gave him. " Dark gave mark a look "what? That's even weirder." Dark stood there for a minute, thinking. "Okay mark take me to this 'Ireland' so I can meet this 'Jack' and find anti." Mark gave dark a look, "no, that's not how it works. He's in another country, thousands of miles away. We'd need to fly there. And besides I'm not taking you to jack, I don't even know you that well. Tell me about yourself, talks to me and my-" " No don't involve us in this Mark!" Ethan yelled. "I just want to how this plays out"Tyler said. Katherine just stood there shaking her head and Amy said "this shit is something you'd see in a movie, I'm with Tyler I'm watching how this plays out!" "Whatever, I guess I'm in this alone." "No" said Tyler "we'll help if we need too. It's just we don't - oh look guys a bird!" Tyler said trying to change the subject and going after the bird. Everyone else joined the mammoth man to "chase the bird".

"Unbelievable" Mark said. " Well anyway, I'm not telling you anything until you tell me about yourself. " With a sigh, Dark began to talk about his story.

Two hours later

"I don't know dark, I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't let you meet anti, especially after what happened," Mark said with a low voice. His eyes were red from crying and his heart beating a mile a minute, to the point of where it felt like his chest was going to burst. "You don't get Mark! I have to! I need to see him, he needs to know how sorry I am. He needs to know how much he means to me." They sat there for a minute. Dark kept looking down. Finally, Mark broke the silence. "Okay, I'll talk to Jack, I'll see what I can do." 

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