The Kings Descendents to Madness

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War. The word sends shivers down the spine of any man. Even the toughest of men. War makes men mad. War can even make kings mad. This is the chapter/story of the mad Pewds. How he lost his mind to the demons and his ultimate betrayal to his close friends.

"Anti until you can get better I don't want you here. You are very dangerous to us all. For now, I shall send you to the other dimension. One day you shall forgive me." Said the newly crowned king of Youtubia. He was surrounded by crowds of people watching him get his crown. Now they are witnessing his first act as king. "You shall pay for this you bastard!" Anti screamed as an awesome light surrounded him and engulfed him in the other dimension. "Forgive me, my friend, it's for the best of all of us." He whispered to himself. It was that point that the crowd's cheers were heard for the first time by the King. Looking up with tears he waved to the crowd and then went back to the castle.

His parents were both killed. One killed by an assassin and killed by the disease. The King before Pewds was the gentle soul that was Ken and his ever fair and equally gentle sounded wife Mary. Together they were everything. Unfortunately, they were forced to declare war while Anti was captured by the demons. The demons of the netherworld killed too many of Youtubias citizens and were warned by the King multiple times. The state that broke the camels back was the slaying of three school girls. "If it's war they want its war they shall get. " said the usually calm and kind king. This, however, was not popular by the kingdom for they were angry threatened to kill them both if they didn't stop this war. The king didn't though. He knew if he did, they all would die. So he kept going. Until one day, the unthinkable happened...

One day the Queen, Mary, was on her way to read to the children of the local orphanage. She was riding in her favorite white carriage when suddenly a noise was heard. The next thing she knew the carriage blew up. It killed her and the driver up instantly so whatever suffering she experienced was very quick. The King was beside himself with grief. He no longer ate or drank he slept for full days and barely talked to anyone. Then he became sick. On his deathbed, he told Pewds one thing that he wanted..." My child... my only child... bring back Anti... for he is the key...." Ken coughed a few times with blood coming up. "For he is the one who is to lead our Kingdom back to those triumphed days.... my Queen I'm coming for you....." with that Ken took one last deep breath and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He was dead.

Two days later Pewds was declared the new king... but he got a special surprise at his ceremony. Descending from an enemy's Trico was a familiar face. It was Anti. However, his only business was with Dark at this point. Pewds put an end to almost immediately after it started. However, he noticed that his eyes and threat was damaged during the fight. So using his powers he fixed him and saved him quickly before banishing him.

A few days later the forces of the demon army grew stronger. They cut off the trading routes for the kingdom. So the food ran and along with the medicine. The streets filled with riot and mayhem. Brothers killed brothers for a single piece of bread. However, the king was starting to lose it by this point. He became paranoid that there were people out there to kill him. He sent out troops to sucked missions. In fact, it was Malcolm, Antis own brother that was sent out to one of these missions. He took over a major landmark for the demons but paid for it with his life.

The king never attended his funeral. It was one of the first of many signs that the king was mad. The second was when Antis mother, a prominent woman in the kingdom, took her own life lost to sons. He didn't attend her funeral either. the third and the major one was when the disease broke out. He did nothing to help the kingdom. Instead h just never came out to the outside. Ever. Some say he became a sort of madman hermit. The disease ended up taking the rest of Antis family as well.

With bodies laying on the streets, the decaying smell was overwhelming. So the people took to burning the bodies as the piles few. The king stopped even coming out of his room at this point. He would talk to people who weren't even there. And he left piles and dishes and dirty laundry around the because he trusted nobody to clean his room for the fear of getting killed. So when critters such as mice and or roaches would enter his room, he'd screamed at them instead of asking someone to get rid of them.

One day he got an idea, though. An idea so twisted that he knew I'd he told anyone he'd be dethroned. The old Dark that he wanted to get Anti back and put things back to normal and Dark agreed to get him. However, when he left he called upon the demon leader and bargained a deal with the devil. "So what do you think, you can take a very strong beast in exchange for peace. And here by leaving my castle alone and never returning. Ever" "okay it's a deal if you can get him here within a week." The demon said. "Fine." The king said. With that, he hung up.

He knew what he did was wrong. He knew what would happen. He didn't care though, he was determined to risk it all. "Anti, my friend you are going to useful after all," Pewds said looking down from his balcony. 

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