Chapter 82: moving enemy

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Back at LA:
Danny pov

So now that ally Stevie and jo are gone I don't really hknow what to do i Been guarding the wall for ages haven't seen any of the black clans
Or any one coming here from the outside I think where good but Alex wants us to keep watch until ally comes back. From wtf ever planet they went to they definitely went out before I could even say goodbye and hug them I know it's not the last time I'll see them and all but I get nervous you know how ally is I mean I hope you guys do...
So I'm just standing here with 2 other guys watching a unmarked dirt path it's hot out and we haven't been attacked since ally's sister and those crazy bitch gang or whatever they were called just because we got threatened by a stupit clan doesn't mean there do it it could of been a bluff and all that shit. Also what pisses me off is all the citizens here don't do shit they complain about paying taxes saying they just got out to the fatass upper class like guards troops and president Alex also they only get in the way I'm one of those people that want Those citizens to be sent to the west or south area so I don't have to worry about there sorry asses but I can't. Also if we even try to talk to the high ups they just threaten cell us. God I would love to see those douchebags dead it annoying were in the dark about the people that give us orders I know Alex does but Alex gets orders from the high ups then tells us I wold love to know who is actually running this village I know even thing Alex knows ether to be honest.
God why does it have to be so damn hot here
Guard: so guys I'm on break I'll bring back water
Danny hey you don't get a break
Guard yea I do
Danny I'm your boss here I never gave orders
Guard who the fuck is coming for us here I see no one the ass president doesn't know what he doing just wasting our time
Danny get back here now
Guard what are you going to do about it huh your just a side bitch
Danny you don't take breaks unless i tell you can
Guard pfff ok
As he turns to walk away I wold ushallg do nothing but this time I went and kicked him in the leg then punched him he fell straight on his face shocked
Danny listen I'm your boss I'm head of the main guard branch you don't talk to me like that I can make you go back to the academy or worst get up and go back to position in the west 33'' meters to the left
If I don't see you there your dead I know your name and number go now
I yell he just gets up and run to where he was supposed to be
Guard 2 jeez dan
Danny god all these guards on my branch just want to sit in there asses and do nothing I feel everyone believes the black clan aren't going to do shit or other enemy's of la but it's dangerous to let our guard down
Guard 2 yes I get I'm not doing that I joined so I can protect my mom and sisters now longer will I have la be in shambles ever again
Danny glad you feel that way man now can you do me a favor
Guards yes what's up sir
Danny first go to the punks post to make sure he's there then go to 33'' to the right and walk back and forth I'm going to get 1 more guard here so we can further our security
Guard 2 got it dan
He walks away to the left I go through the gate and walk to Alex's office in the middle of la
As I walk I get into my deep thinking of what we have became
All the guards are being lazy asses that guy just got out of the academy they sire are getting more annoying like you wanted to protect this town then be a real guard if not why did you even sign up
Going up the stairs and into the hall I turn to Alexs door and open it
He looks up from his papers
Danny guard section of the 104th square Danny Padilla
Alex dan you don't have to say that stuff
Danny it's out of habit sir
Alex what's up Padilla
Danny I need 2 more guards out watching the gate I have 2 men out there now watching out
Alex ok go ahead all the people got went out of the academy is in the guard hall not all of the guard has picked front lines guards the most popular is inside wall protect and back line guard also military police section guard they work for the king but only if you get top 10 then you have that decision
Danny huh all of those guys are chickens they are to afraid to fight the black clans
Alex do you blame them those guys are high trained since they were kids
Danny I know but it's so annoying I got a complainer in my section guarding the gates I had k knock some sense out of him
Alex's how's that you didn't knock him out did you
Danny no I kicked him nothing that harmful
Alex ok well get going dan
Danny ok bye Alex
After that I went to the guard hall and got some guys
Danny names:
:A kid with black hair :Adam Keen
A  kid with gray hair:Zack Zero
A girl with blonde hair:Jodie Treen
Hmm all there clans are ancient once
Danny hello for today you will be part of my section guard 104th branch front lines tomorrow I know is the day you pick where you want to be so this is good prep for what your in for.
So today you and I and a couple of others will be guarding the front gates to see if we kind any...(should I tell them about the growing enemy..Nah keep it out till when they join or not)
Now follow me kids
Jodie treen hey aren't you one of those guys that fought at the first la battle
Danny yes I am
Zack zero so good Danny Padilla the great omg your moves and powers are so cool
Jodie treen shut up Zack your such a fan boy
Zack zero no I'm not
Danny hah Zack glad you are not lost of people knows us anymore the original..
Zack zero origins oh Man I love your group now there is  new one all over west south north and main la the leader is unknown though
Danny oh really I though she would be known already huh
Zack zero well the main leader of the group the one that started itv
Danny werid
We got close to the entrance I would never forget that horrible site bother tobb evens and Ryan yee were brutally murdered by in guessing the black clan
Danny FUCK
I run as quickly as possible go the bell to get all my section guards here
I ring it all them come slowly And unfazed
Danny all of you go into groups  of four and look around the area 2 of the guards are killed outside the walls if you find the enemy get me I will be on the right south area now go hurry
Zack zero were we going
Danny Come with me
We run out and search
But many hours of looking I called them all back no one found a clue of the enemy
I got tobb and Ryan's body and put them in the grave yard the funeral was 2 days ago I can't help but blame me if I would of stayed I could of took them they wouldn't be dead fuck
Just laying here blaming myself for there deaths in my apartment 15 meters away from the gate
I couldn't sleep or eat the they were were killed was disturbing and disgusting t make me angry. Just thinking about it made me pissed to the bones of the site

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