Chapter 94: home sweet home?!

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A pov
I wake up in pain my leg, head and hands are bleeding smoke is around the air what happened to me and my ship? We were fine until something hit it? I hear a mans voice outside my ship and screaming also what is happening to LA
(Few hours ago)
I'm sitting her waiting for the lord guy to stop yelling at some dude so he can have his men set up my ship after that brawl they had the dude smirked and walked away looking at me in a off way
Lord: hah sorry some Asshole was giving me trouble what do you want leave already fool
Ally umm you said you were gonna have your men fix this old ass ship
Lord: oh umm fine I'll have him and him on it
Ally ohh ok
Lord not even a thanks lord for basically saving my life
Ally your not getting that you dick
Lord listen you better be careful we still don't know if you have a new found power more ancient than the "black Mother Earth power"
Ally I know I know a werid eye ball type of power right?
Lord yes it's far more powerful than the purple eye you said you had a couple months ago what happened to that again?
Ally oh we took it out
Lord smart people you are with
Ally yea well
Lord your ship is a ok now leave
Ally ok bye chief
We part ways I head back to LA as quickly as possible now to just get some sleep it will take a couple hours

Hmm wtf was that
I look out the window I'm down at earth only a couple more hours till I hit the ground
But why is it making werid noises
Before I can react everything started to fall apart nails were falling off things were breaking
I decided to jump I would use my powers to help me land better
So I broke the door and started to get ready to jump just as I did my shirt got stuck on something part of the ship so I was just hanging off of the ship
The ship is close to land
I see la half of it is on fire right now I see dead people around
Fuck I gotta get out of he....

Everything went black I felt pain and hot liquid seeping out of my body..........

When I do get my head straight I open my eyes Half my body is in the rubble of metal parts of the ship  bleeding all over the place
I try to get up but it's hard I start to kick the metal then push and i got freed of those things
I'm to focused on my wounds I'm more focused on wtf happened to la most likely enemy's saw the ship crash they might be coming soon so I'll hide and find out who those bastards are
I found a good hiding spot under a bush so I just wait for people to come
5 min later...
?? It came from here
?? Do you think it's her she's back
?? How do you if she isn't hiding in this village now
?? Not a chance I heared she fast and loud characters doesn't wait to fight
?? Where did you hear that from
?? When we were investigating la I heared someone talking about her
?? If that was her in the ship than she should be objected badly
?? Ally are you here? We got your friends if you don't come out now than we will kill all everyone in this town! I mean it
?? She's not here
?? Yea I guess not gather the people together we're kill them all in the center of la
A pov
Who the fuck are they there is about 3 enemy's which is bad it's hard to take care of 3 at once. Hiding isn't my thing but I'll take them out when they gather people around I'll give the people a chance to hide and escape
But I gotta be quiet about sneaking with them
Fricking bastards for tossing hostages
I limp and hide for the past idk how long as they gather the people around I'm in bad shape right now but I have to protect the people
?? So where is the other 2
?? I found there body they where killed by someone
?? Oh well we can always make more
?? Yo guys I found some girl trying to guide people away
*In head* Stevie
St let me go Asshole
?? I said shut up bitch
?? Hmm she might be a comrade of the beast keep her with you we can attract ally
Village your after ally hills?
?? Yes we are do you know where she is
Village I work at her office and I'm close to her and there secret police I know where she is
?? I'm listening
Village If I tell you can you please let us go
?? Hm yea sure
Village that ship that crashed that was her ship she was at another Planet training I guess she just got back here no way that crash would of killed her she must be hiding somewhere hurt
?? Thanks you sir see people that's all I wanted to know also sir
Village yes
?? What is the secret police you mentioned
Village there called the origins there bases are spread out along the city there is 4 people in each group of there not here then they must be coming
?? Such a good man to tell me all this stuff
?? Since you have is this Info I got one last question what are the names of these police
Village the leaders are ally Stevie Boebi the girl you have and Danny they all made up this after there original team disbanded the names ar...
A I gotta go
A stop
Village ally?
?? Hahah your the beast ally hills?
A Yes let them all go it's me you want right?
?? I know your going to not come with us willingly so Clem and let's fight this out
A who are you
?? We are the paines
A you just want me?
?? Yea we need only you and than our plan will be complete
Villagers go and take her and leave us alone
?? Even your People don't want you
St ally
A stay back it's my time to take care of these intruders leave this area
Paine let's go
The paines start to run to attack i start to activate my sage mode as I do I get punched already but I start to kick back to them my hair turns a bright blue as we continue to fight them the sage mode will o let last for a little bit bc I'm almost out of power
Not gonna last a long time maybe for about 5 minutes I gotta try to finish this fight quickly
But as I think that I get a triple kick to the face then a back kick to the ground I'm bleeding a lot more then before I don't think the sage is gonna last 5 mins ether at this rate.....
I continue to get kicked and kicked and kicked over and over again I hear Stevie crying and I guess none of the villagers care they just want them to leave this place already
I just get kicked all over I can barely get off the ground
Villagers just finish her already and leave
St wtd is wrong with you all she is protecting you all
Village no she causes death to this place
St he's or gonna leave this village he will destroy it before he leaves idiots
Village yea ok Stevie

Words 1292

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