Chapter 5: attack on orange town!

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The next day:
Danny POV
I was woken but at the middle of night by Stevie I been telling her the info ally gave us

She said orange was raided and there was no survivors.
This is bad ally is there what if she gets captured

Danny shit I have to go
Stevie no we can't I know your concert but ally can fight too she's not helpless you have to protect our town
Danny I know die can fight but she is reckless when it comes to fighting she risks everything to defeat any enemy

I have to go now to her to save her I can't let her die

Stevie Danny stop we got more enemy's then just those raiders
Danny what
Stevie... it's not the same raiders every time there all different probably 6 different groups attack there could be more then that
Danny where is you hear this from
Stevie me and ally have to talking through Messenger birds she got a lot of info on the towns there were different clothing every time she tracked down the raids they are all different Looking for different things from the same people
We got no other details then that. It's dangerous to leave us now I can send 3 origins to orange to find her if you would like
Danny fine. Do that then
Wow we got a lot of stuff this time look at all this food and money man
?? Don't get cocky they might send someone to attack us
?? Ha they would just attack the wrong group those other guys are stupid thinking where with them
?? Kinda annoying that we have to deal with 7 others that want different things from the beasts like we just are following the old group was doing capture the beast and use them to make the ultimate beast we have
?? Only if capturing them was so easy brook
Brook yea well we took a care of orange next is investigating and looking for our ultimate beast.
We of the greenhearts clan need this to happen
Ally POV
Just as i was about to send my new details I got on the groups orange was attacked
I couldn't sit back and watch so I helped a couple people get out but that was useless they all died anyway and I was attacked and go really injured can barely move at this point but I have to still scout Through all my pain I found where another group was going so I'm going there to tell the people to leave there hitting small towns but soon it will get bigger
Hopefully they don't sense I was stalking them they would be bad if they did they are all high class fighters
If I fought them I would have to use my most powerful attack and that does a heavy toll on me
?? Hey Brooke what town do you think the spy is from
Brooke: well they look like the ally hills from la the beast of la may I add
?? She came to us should get attack her
Brooke: no let's play it out more. She still thinks our groups don't work together hah what a fool
?? Heh

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