Kiss and Tell

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CHAPTER 4: Kiss and Tell

Author’s Notes – Hi guys, I know you all want to know what happened with Harry and Abby and whether they kissed or not so here it is. Chapter 4. Enjoy x

Harry’s POV (Catch up)

Abby Parker. I swear there is something special about that girl. The moment she had opened her mouth to sing, my heart stopped. Literally stopped then and there. Her voice… it was just the most beautiful voice I’d ever heard. It took my breath away, it really did. I could have stood there for hours just to hear her voice. It didn’t just take my breath away, it made me wake up from my dreams and realise what I thought was just a stupid little crush wasn’t just that. It was… love. Okay, I know that may sound stupid. I mean… I’ve dated a lot, and I mean a lot of girls, but there was never a spark like this. There had been moments where I had thought it was love only to be proved wrong some time after but I swear… I swear this was different. I managed to recover myself in time for my verse, my eyes locked firmly in Abby’s gaze. Unconsciously, I began to slowly walk over to her, my eyes never leaving hers. As the song drew to an end, we ended up standing so close, I could feel her gentle breath against my chest. We were so close, yet it didn’t seem enough for me. I had to know. I had to know if she felt the same way. I whispered her name and then slowly began to move my head forward until our lips were only millimetres away from each other. I pressed forward and our lips brushed against one another’s. Closing my eyes, I leaned forward again to close the gap and this time for it to stay there. Well, here goes nothing…

Lou’s POV

“Not my fault the stupid window opened when I touched that stupid button,” I mumbled to myself, under my breath so nobody, ESPECIALLY Simon couldn’t hear me. I strolled around the studio, hands in my pockets (‘cause I am just THAT cool… kidding!), bored stiff. Zayn was being all serious and boring and helping Simon and his crew set up and my prank buddy was off, probably trying to get off with that Abby chick. I crashed down onto one of the sofas and reached for the TV remote. What? Don’t expect me to go over and help Mr Simon ‘Bossy’ Cowell, he already had Zayn as his little slave. With the flick of a button, the TV burst into life…. a tad too loud I might add. I hurriedly tried to turn the volume down before the others got pissed off. Oops too late. Simon turned round, his face like thunder.

“Y’know Louis. It would be really helpful if you just sat there and didn’t try to get on my nerves for just a few minutes. Some people are actually trying to work here,” Simon said. I rolled my eyes and muttered an apology. I swear Simon started hating me when I posted that video of Simon, drunk, and singing ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ at a recent party on Youtube. Not my fault when he’s drunk, he digs our music and it was just sooooo tempting! Naaaaahhhhhh he’ll get over it… maybe… probably… yeah, he’s never gonna get over it, is he? I flicked through the channels, pausing at a funny cartoon and then moving on to MTV Music. I silently danced away to Chris Brown’s ‘Turn Up The Music’ and yes, that does include my famous ‘pat-the-dog-screw-the-light-bulb’. Giggling to myself I flicked to the next channel and guess what was playing! The one and only… WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!

“Guys, look we’re on TV!” I shouted, turning it up louder. Oops. Big mistake. Simon turned around and opened his mouth to tell me off once more but thankfully Zayn butted in.

“Why don’t you go get Haz and Abby? We’re nearly done here.” He gave me the look meaning get-out-of-here-or-Simon’s-gonna-kill-ya. Yeah, I get that look a lot since my Youtube prank. And no, it’s not still on Youtube so don’t bother looking. ManaAbbyent made me take it off sadly. I stood up and trudged out the door, grinning much to Simon’s annoyance. Okay now which room was the warm-up room. I looked at the door opposite, shrugged and pushed the door open.

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