Chapter 1: 'Deku'

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Y/n laid in her bed, consumed by the warmth, she didn't want to get out of bed.

She listened to the wind blowing through the open window, the birds chirping, and the sound of her mother and twin brother yelling.

"M-Mitsuki, Katsuki please ca-" Y/n could hear her father Masaru failing to calm down the two blonds, she could also hear the loud explosions cutting off his sentence.

A long sigh left her lips as she stood from her bed, the cold wooden floor giving her chills.

"I'm going to kill them..."
She grumbled while exiting the room.

The ash-blond began to walk down the stairs, sparks dancing in the palm of her hand.

"DAMN IT! GET OFF OF ME YA OLD HAG!" Katsuki shouted.

Mitsuki pulled at her son's hair while giving him a noogie. "Oh shut up you brat!" She shouted.

Y/n sighed as she reached the bottom of the stairs, she made a large explosion in order to gain everyone's attention.

Mitsuki looked up her daughter and smiled. "Morning dear, sorry if the shit head woke you up"

"THE HELL DID YOU SAY!?" Katsuki formed sparks in his hand, ready to punch something other than his mother.

The blond woman held her so down with her foot and stood up, gesturing for her daughter to take a turn torturing her be a brother.

Y/n walked over to her brother and put one foot on his hands which were on his chest.

"Aww, c'mon Katsu, you wanted to sit and be a douche all morning." Y/n chuckled, watching her brother struggle.

She began pulling at his hair and lightly kicking him.

He could have used his quirk on you, but he didn't, he wouldn't.

Katsuki would let you hurt him, but he would never use his quirk on you, he wouldn't ever let anyone use there quirk on you.

Not again...

Not since the incident.

~Flash back to when you were 12~

You stood in front of Izuku as Katsuki, and his goons al watched with amusement.

"Kat stop it! Izu did nothing to you!" You yelled at your brother hoping he would stop.

The smirk on his face just grew as he walked closer. "N/n You're really gonna protect a useless, nerd like Deku? HES QUIRKLESS FOR GODS SAKE!"

He made explosions in his hands, in attempts to scare you, but you just made explosions right back.

"C'mon why don't we just teach her what happens when you protect a quirkless loser like him!" One of the other boys said.

Katsuki seemed intrigued by his idea. "Yeah, maybe we should!" He punched his hand and smirked.

"Okay yeah let's do it! I mean she'll learn her lesson." He gestured the 2 boys towards you, and the 2 boys came running.

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