Chapter 4: Y/n?

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Ey I'm still depressed as hell, but here I am!

(Katsuki's POV)

I blasted the doorknob off with an explosion. But when I opened the door.

She was gone, Y/n wasn't there.

I ran into the room, and began to look in any hiding spot she could be in. I checked her closet, under her bed, under the desk. But she wasn't there.

"Y/N?" I looked everywhere, but the more I looked, the more worried I got.

"Katsuki where's you're sister!" The old hag sounded so worried.

I paced back and forth around the room, but I stoped when I noticed the open window.

I ran over to her bed and looked out the window. It wasn't a far drop, if she used her quirk at a low percentage, she probably could have dropped from the window, and been unheard.

"...she left."

(Y/n's POV)

I was running, I didn't know where to, but I was running, running from my problems.

Searing hot tears slid down my cheeks, practically burning my skin.

Sure I acted childish, sure what I was doing was mean, and stupid, but what Katsuki said...what Katsuki said was wrong.

I stopped at the park not far from the house, I pulled out my phone, and texted Izuku.


Izuku? -Me

5:48, pm

Deku- Y/n? Why weren't you at school today?

5:56, pm

The tears falling from my eyes dropped onto my phone screen. I needed someone to talk to, I needed Deku.


Deku- Y/n? You there?

6:00, pm

Izuku can you come to the park? -Me

6:05, pm

Deku- I was just about to go to the beach to workout, can this wait?

6:06, pm

"Damn it...." I sobbed, I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my face.

I dropped my phone, and began to cry into my hands, as I listen to my phone buzz.


Deku- Y/n, you there?

6:18, pm

Deku- Y/n, you left me on read.
Deku- are you okay!?

-missed call from Deku-
-missed call from Deku-

6:20, pm

Deku- that's it I'm going to find you.

6:24, pm
I picked up my phone and read the messages from Izuku.

"Crap..." I clicked on his most recent call and called him back.

He answered immediately.

"Y/n?! Are you okay!? Why didn't you answer my texts?" He sounded so scared, it made me feel extremely bad.

"I'm fine Izuku..." I paused and sniffed a few times, hoping he didn't hear. "Just go to the beach and d-do what you were gonna do."

"I'm not gonna let you sit alone at the park at this time, Y/n. I'm coming to the park so deal with it." His voice sounded so assertive.

"You don't have to Izuku please..." I was basically begging him not to come, I didn't want him to see me like this.

"Like I said, I'm coming to the park so deal with it." He hung up.

'Did he seriously just hang up on me?' I was genuinely confused, was that really Izuku who just talked to me?

Five or ten minutes passed and I saw Izuku approaching the swing set. He sat on the empty swing next to me and didn't say a word.

"I'm surprised you actually hung up on me." A small chuckle escaped my lips.

"O-oh geez I'm s-sorry i uh-" she continued to shamble his words.

After three minutes of his rambling I decided I couldn't hold in my laughter, I bursted out in laughter, nearly falling off the swing.

"Oh my god, Izuku Its okay, geez...." I continued to laugh.

"O-oh my bad...I just...I was worried and I-I didn't....I didn't want you to get hurt being all by yourself." He said, his voice sounding warm and inviting, just hearing Izuku's voice brought a smile to my face.

"Thank you, Izuku, really."

Getting up I whipped the remaining tears off of my face, I extended my hand to Izuku to help him up, he took it even tho he didn't need my help getting up.

"Time for you to walk me him~" I said wrapping my arm around his, which caused him to shiver and make his cheeks turn red.


Hey I know this was shor-
Hm what's that?
Why was I gone for so long?
Well for those of you who are actually interested, I'm a lazy shit head with depression and anxiety, writing these books help me in a way with my depression, but I constantly feel like there not good enough and you guys don't like them so I kinda stopped writing, along with that I've been feeling even more depressed cause of a situation my family is in, I was gonna stop writing but then I started getting comments from people saying that they liked my books which started to help, it made me feel like what I was doing to make myself happy wasn't a big waist of time, so here I am.

Jesus that was a pity party if I've ever seen one.

Okay but important stuff, I need ideas for what you guys wanna read, this was short cause I needed to post something so here it is, that's all for now, cya!


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