Chapter 7.5?: christmas beeyatch

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Published: 12/24/18 3:00pm

It was Christmas Eve night in the Bakugou house, and not a creature was out, not even a mouse.

The Bakugou twins laid curled up on the couch, wearing matching pajamas cause why the hell not.

Mitsuki and Masaru sat in front of the tree, placing present after present happily-

"Mephie, stop trying to rhyme."
Said a grinch like voice.

Mitsuki and Masaru were in front for the tree, being as quiet as could be as they placed gift after gift for they're snot nosed brats they children.

"Do you really think they're gonna like it? I mean they're almost fifteen..." Masaru mumbled, holding a box filed with holes that matched the one Mitsuki held.

"They may be teenagers Masaru but I'm sure they'll still love this!" Mistuki said happily.

"Honey keep your voice down..." Masaru warned, holding his finger in front of his lips and saying shhhh. "We don't wanna wake the twins..." he mumbled.

"Oh...oops..." Mistsuki has honestly forgotten that her kids were asleep on the couch, they were usually so loud and chaotic that it was strange to some to see them so peaceful.

Mitsuki, gently set the box that she had been holding down and stood up, she walked over to one of the couches to see her children laying together on the couch, seeing her children like this made Mistuki think of when they were younger, curled up on the couch, wearing matching grinch onesies, cuddling they're childhood dog who wore one reindeer antler.

"Masaru, look at them...remember when they would lay right here, watching the grinch with Lucky till they fell asleep, every year?" Mitsuki mumbled, a small tear falling from her cheek when she remembered her children's reaction to losing they're beloved dog a few years back.

Masaru nodded his head, walking over to his children he gently moved they're positions so they were both laying curled up on the couch with the tops of they're heads were touching.

"You got a picture before I moved them, right?" Masaru asked, looking over at his wife who was taking pictures of the kids.

"Yup..." she mumbled, giving him a thumbs up while looking at the pictures she had taken.

"Welp, we got all the presents under the tree...let's go...get some sleep..aahhwww..." Mistuki said yawning, earning a small chuckle from her husband as they began walking up the stairs of they're large house.


The twins awoke to they're parents happily chatting in the kitchen.

"Keep it down..." said a groggy voice, as Katsuki pulled his blanket over his head.

"It's too early for this..." whined a soft voice, as Y/n pulled Katsukis blanket over her head.

"Let go of my blanket you...ahhwww little shit." Katsuki yawned getting comfortable he started falling asleep once more.

"Merry Christmas you sleepy butt heads." Mitsuki said, walking over to the coffee table she placed two cups of hot chocolate on the table in front of the two.

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