Peanut butter

17 2 0

Ella was laying on her bed, staring at the almost hypnotic fan movement above her, the rusty fan creating a rather rhythmic creaking sound every time it started the cycle again, she held her phone on her chest, wearing a small smile as she thought of the conversations she had just shared, it may have seemed dumb to other people but just having that sort of fun for her seemed like a lifetime away for her. Ella cocked her head to the side seeing that a certain two people were speaking in the group chat, the notifications seemed to not bother her for once, "I swear, I barely know those idiots but they're in love." She exhaled with a shaky laugh, almost grinning a bit too much when she received a sudden message from Finn.

Finn: do u like peanut butter

Ella: Hell yes??

Finn: ok

Ella: I feel like your only texting me because cherie and joel are too busy being in a inconsequential relationship and nick is with friends

Finn:  how did u—

Ella: smh

Finn: nah bb I have friends but I'm lazy and band practice isn't for like an hour

Ella:  lucky smh
Finn: what school do u go 2


Finn: oh

Ella:   I go to sandwood private school

Finn: u serious? I go to lakeshore private


Finn: ;)


Finn:  I wuv my fwiends

Ella: me too

Finn: u have any—

Ella: rude

Finn:  what can I say

Ella:  who are your friends? I might know some?

Finn: well I have a medium group of friends, Joel, ayla, jack and Malcomb

Ella: Jesus u have a lot of friends
Finn: not rly wbu

Ella: I've got Alyssa

Finn: that's it?

Ella: I tOLD U

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