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JUNGKOOK could feel it, his heart beating rampantly inside his chest.

the cold sweat that had accumulated on his palms made him clutch sooyoung for dear life as he forces his legs to hurry down the dark hallway as fast as possible. the jeon boy swallows anxiously, mouth dry and stiff from nerves. he was afraid someone would choose the same door they took and follow them. that they'd catch the two of them and kill them - and jungkook really doesn't want to die.

but he can't help how horrified he is or how fatigued he feels. the mixture of emotions consuming him was making the dark haired boy nauseous. he felt like he might be sick and the added adrenaline overwhelming him wasn't helping either. the jeon boy could feel himself beginning to slow down, his once hurried footsteps becoming that of a dull echo in the otherwise barren hallway. the hallway bends into a left turn then, and jungkook drags himself along until he's around it. slowly and gently, he places sooyoung down and props her against the wall carefully. and then, he trudges to the opposite wall where his legs give out.

on his hands and knees jungkook's breathing began to grow uneven, his heart an irregular echo filling his ears. his hands were shaking and his chest felt as if it might cave in at any moment. with unsteady hands, the dark haired boy places a hand to a chest, breathing in shakily.

jungkook was having an anxiety attack.

and it didn't help that faint noise began to greet his ears in that very same moment. the dull echo of something heavy tapping against metal: footsteps. and jungkook should really get up, grab sooyoung once more, and run. he glances at the end of the hallway and spots green and red highlighted buttons and tightly shut metal doors: an elevator, an escape.

but jungkook found that he couldn't move. instead, he felt rooted to the spot in fear and panic. how long would he be able to go on like this? but dread twists his stomach when he realizes it's only just begun. jungkook squeezes his eyes shut as the footsteps grow louder. his mind makes his head spin as he scrambles for some sort of plan. he realized then that he didn't really care about dying, maybe it would be better than having to struggle to stay alive and live out the rest of his days like this, in constant fear and paranoia. but, though he had given up already, there was someone still depending on him.


but it was too late.

the footsteps were too loud now, the person was too close. so jungkook can only clutch his chest uselessly as he forces his eyes open just in time to hear a strangled grunt.

standing there as if she hadn't been semi-conscious mere moments ago is sooyoung, head ducked causing her dark curls to mask her face. in her hand is a knife, now plunged into the stomach of amoi yatsuo, an exchange student from japan. amoi's eyes are wide in both anger and disbelief as she stares at sooyoung while her finger ghost over the knife now embedded into her stomach. she opens her mouth to speak, revealing a set of crimson stained teeth from the blood pooling in her mouth. but in that same moment, sooyoung removes the knife in one swift movement making the japanese girl grunt, blinking once slowly before she falls face first onto the floor lifelessly.

and jungkook is sure this is a dream or maybe his greatest nightmare. sooyoung wouldn't kill anyone, not the girl who had smiled so sweetly at him on the bus. she couldn't do such a thing, right?

but to his absolute horror, he watches as she turns around in his direction and with slow steps, she approaches him. he looks at the bloody knife still gripped in her and wonders if she'll kill him next. the thought makes jungkook grit his teeth to no avail to stop his shaking. he's expecting her to plunge the knife deep into his flesh next and end it all for him, just like she'd done with amoi. but to his surprise, sooyoung leans down until she's eye level with him, the knife dropping from her hand to the metal floor with a loud clatter in the otherwise silent hallway -

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