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"there can only be one winner." soo says, gripping the knife in her hands tightly as she stares at the dark haired girl standing just a few feet away. the two girls are facing off in the dimness of a warehouse, a red flag indicating the end of the game waving just behind them.

"i know." the other girl, who goes by name of seven, says, a smirk spreading across her lips slowly as she approaches soo steadily, "and that winner... will be me!"

yugyeom grips his pillow tightly as he watches the two girls charge at each other. seven draws her first back and punches soo in the stomach, the girl stumbling back briefly. soo waves her knife then, swiping a clean cut across seven's cheek. but seven doesn't even wince as she swings her leg out, knocking soo from her feet. soo grunts as her back hits the wooden floor harshly. seven climbs on top of soo and wrapping her hands around the girl's throat. soo struggles, slapping at the other girl with her free hand. finally, she bites seven's hand, making the girl cry out, releasing her grip on soo's throat.

soo headbutts seven then, making the girl sway dizzily. soo doesn't waste any time in wrapping her arms around the other girl and flipping them over so that she's on top. the two girls rolling around then, fighting aggressively between each other. soo grips her knife, prepared to stab seven, only for seven herself to fight the girl for the object. soo is on top of seven, her back to the camera when a loud squishing sound occurs. yugyeom feels his breath hitch as he watches both girls go still, blood spurting between them. but who had won? before he can find out, his laptop is slammed shut.

"did you steal my credit card again you little thief?" mark, his step brother, stares him down angrily.

"no" yugyeom says, only for mark to cross her arms over his chest and raise his brow, making the younger squeak out a meek, "yes"

"yugyeom!" mark scolds, looking around the room then, "where is it?"

"here" yugyeom hands him the golden credit card with a sheepish look, "s-sorry"

mark snatches the card back, glaring at his brother briefly before he gives in with sigh.

"what did you even buy?" he asks the younger, plopping down on the bed beside him.

"ah, watch this hyung!" yugyeom exclaims, pulling his laptop back open and pressing play on the video. mark glances at him wearily before looking at the screen.

soo wavers from her position atop seven, blood staining both of the teenage girls. finally, she rises to a stand shakily, revealing seven's dead body, eyes wide in their dead state as blood pools from her neck.

"winner! winner! winner!" a mechanical voice exclaims, the red flag raising in the back as soo stands over seven's dead body, breathing heavily.

"congratulations number eight, you are the winner of this years kill extended kill." a familiar, gravely voice says before the man in the tracksuit appears, tennis shoes squeaking against the wood as he approaches soo, grabbing the girl's arm and raising it in a victorious manner.

blood splatters across the screen then, written in a mess of crimson across the screen-

k x k winner #8, park soo

"what the hell?" mark blurts out, eyebrows scrunched in confusion, "yugyeom, what is this?"

"it's a show where they gather these high schoolers, take them to this abandoned arena and have them kill each other in a last man standing situation." yugyeom exclaims simply as he maneuvers the web page to show all the seasons the show has, "this was the most recent season, but there's a lot more of them. see? but this girl, soo. i went back to the other seasons, and well, she's in all of them. she just goes by a different name each time."

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