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SILENCE, deadly in nature, is the first thing that greets them when the elevator doors open on the second floor.

both teens stand in the metal structure then, still and unsure. silence wasn't a good thing, especially if you were contestants in a cruel game of murder. shaking off his nerves, jungkook finally decides to move, he slowly makes his way out of the elevator. sooyoung reaches for his hand to stop him, but he just pulls his hand away as he steps out into the absolute darkness of the second floor. the only light comes from the few windows, which are covered in dust and old residue as they line the hallway. the hallway itself is lengthy and extends into a dark abyss that makes it hard to see very far into it.

the wooden floor creeks under jungkook's footsteps and he's only taken two steps down the hallway when it happens.

"jungkook watch out!" he can hear sooyoung shout and he isn't sure why until an array of bullets come flying towards him in the darkness.

he should have moved out of the way, but his body felt paralyzed with fear. luckily, he can feel someone tackle him to the floor, their bodies colliding roughly as the bullets fly over their heads. jungkook opens his eyes that he had squeezed shut in his fear to be met with sooyoung's warm brown eyes. their faces are mere inches apart, and he can see how her cherry red lips have gone slightly chapped from the lack of moisture and the slight panic in her eyes at the prospect of him getting hurt.

"stay low and follow me, okay?" she tells him over the blasting of bullets and jungkook doesn't even have time to nod before she's rolling off of him. the machine gun's constant firing makes him feel deaf with just how loud the bullets being sent ringing through the air sound in his ears. but jungkook swallows back his fear as he rolls onto his hands and knees and follows after sooyoung.

they crawl a short distance, bullets falling to the floor around them loudly, smoke from the machine gun filling the hallway, before they reach a door.

it appears to be already open, because when sooyoung pushes against the bottom, it creeks open. she doesn't waste any time in pushing it open all the way then. jungkook hurries in after her, collapsing with his back against the nearest wall as sooyoung hurriedly stands and slams the door shut.

"w-what do we do now?" jungkook asks, watching as she turns around to face him.

"hm, that machine gun will tear us apart if we try to go out there now and kill its owner." sooyoung says, making jungkook swallow thickly at the prospect of "killing its owner". the dark haired girl taps her chin in thought then, "looks like we'll just have to wait for them to run out of ammo, and with the way they're firing so carelessly, it shouldn't be too long. once they're out of bullets, we can take them down. until then, there's not much we can do besides wait for that to happen."

jungkook nods, realizing that she was right. the jeon boy tries to calm himself from his adrenaline rush when a familiar set of dark curls brush against his hand and he looks up to find sooyoung standing in front of him.

"in the meantime, i can think of a few things we can do to pass the time." she says, voice strange in a way he's never heard before as she smiles before cupping his cheek and leaning in.

jungkook, already panicked, is prepared to turn his head away when the sound of glass sliding across wood followed by loud shattering catches their attention.

he watches as the loving expression disappears from sooyoung faces almost instantly. she whirls around then, dark curls swaying as she makes her towards a fallen vase in the room. the dark haired girl narrows her eyes suspiciously as she pulls the bloody knife from inside her bra.

"who's there?" she demands, voice even as she looks at the desk where the vase had fallen from. the sound of shaky breathing and shuffling could be heard from behind it.

and jungkook swallows thickly when he realizes what that means.

they weren't alone.

someone else was in the room with them.

but the most important answer remained unanswered.

were they a friend?

or were they just another foe?

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