(Y/N)'s Game

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Beacon's Basement

John: Now let's congratulate, the only victor after...

Billy: Creator? Are you okay.

John: Huh, oh yeah I'm fine, I just remembered something from the past.

Billy: Okay creator.

They both walk over to the body of Amanda, that was lying on the ground. John walked over to her and placed his fingers on her neck to check for a pulse.

John: She's barely alive.

Billy: Well jumping into a pit of needles will do that.

John: Yeah, that and I lased poison on the needles.

Billy: Wait what?!

John: Yup, took me at least a few hours.

Billy: And this is why there are more losers then victors.

John: Yup and look, she is waking up.

Amanda woke up and tried to move her hand, but she had no strength due to the poison as she tried stand up, she coughed out blood and fell to the floor.

John: I'm going to do something, Billy bring her body to the control room.

Billy: Yes creator. 

Billy grabbed her and placed on a wheelbarrow.

Amanda open her eyes and said something.

Amanda: W-Where are y-you taking me.

John: A better place.

Billy: *thoughts* I wonder what the creator has planned for her?

Control room

When they reached the control room John place Amanda on a chair and restraint her.

John: Alright now time for the thing,I was about to do.

John takes a shotgun from the back off the room and aims it at Amanda.

Billy: Creator what are you doing!!!

John: Just watch.

Amanda wakes up

Amanda: H-huh, c-can you put down the gun.

John: No can do Missy.

Amanda: P-please I don't want to die. I'll do anything-


The gun fired blowing Amanda's head causing bits of her brain covered the room.

Billy: That was a bit excessive.

John: Look I haven't shot anybody in a while so let me have this. Also killing her was the only way I could use my semblance, if not the poison would have killed her in a more agonizing way, plus I still need her.

Billy: Ah I see.

John: Good now then let me do my work.

John resurrects Amanda as a white light enveloped her body and then she woke up.

Amanda: I'll do anything...Huh what the, where's the gun, why do I feel more lighter.

John: Oh that is because of me.

Amanda: Where am I.

John: The basement of beacon academy

Amanda: Wait I'm suppose to be in class right now.

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