Grand finale (Vol 2).

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John: Now then One final game. Summer rose.

(Y/N): So then how do we begin.

John: With the deaths of the officer that has been chasing me.

(Y/N): Eric?

John: Yup.

Location: Vale Police station

Eric: I need to find a way to capture john but how. Wait did he-

he was interrupted by allison and Jessica entering the room

Allison: Eric, What happened.

Eric: He got us, All of us. He is no ordinary killer

Allison: Yeah I know. But we found out who he was working for.

Eric: Really who?

Allison: A lady called salem.

Eric: Huh? Oh that person ozpin was always worried about.

Allison: Yup

Flashback Earlier that day

Allison and Jessica were running until they arrived near a room.

Jessica: Hold up, there's something here.

Allison: *Pant* What is *Pant* It.

Jessica opened the door revealing a room with A blackboard, with different sigils and Incantations on it, There was desk as well, with a picture of the two gods, and the staff of oblivion.

Allison: Whats all this.

Jessica: Evidence i presume.

Allison: No look.

Allison pointed towards two word. "They return"

Jessica: Who's they.

Allison: I don't know we should probably head back and tell eric.

Location: Vale Police department

Allison: So thats what we found.

Eric: They're trying to summon something?

Jessica: 2 gods. Remember the legend about the woman in the tower and brother gods.

Eric: Yeah, But those are just legends right?

Jessica and allison were silent.

Eric: Oh no.


John: One last preparation, then we capture summer.

(Y/N): Yes john.

John walked over to the corpse of Blake Belladonna.

John: Light to body to soul. form mind and bones. For great spirits I call to ferry this hoe to earth. Give birth. Resurrection

A white light envelopes blake's body. Her eye open and she sits up straight,

Blake: *Gasp* What the, where. 

She saw (Y/N) and immediately ran up and hugged him.

Both (Y/N) and John were shocked.

Blake: (Y/N) what happend where are we. Where are the others.

(Y/N): D-do you not remember.

Blake: Remember what. The last I remember was that we confessed to you.

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