Melting The Angel

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Trapped Room

Ruby: *GASP*

(Y/N): Now is my face ringing any bells.

Ruby nods.

(Y/N) smiles.

(Y/N): Well then since you won the game, you are free to leave.

Ruby: Really!

(Y/N): Yup just walk out the door.

Ruby takes one step out the door and then 


Ruby: Ahh!! Fuck!!!

(Y/N) shot Ruby in the foot, causing her to fall down.

(Y/N): You thought I was going to let you go.

(Y/N) walks over to Ruby and pulls her hair.

Ruby: It hurts, (Y/N) please stop.

(Y/N): Hahahahaha, this only the beginning.

He then knee's her in the face causing her to spit out blood. He then tosses her body and it hits the metal chair. Ruby spits out more blood. (Y/N) walks over to her with a deranged smile and a knife in his hand

Amanda: (Y/N) stop-

Amanda was about to stop him, but John stopped her.

John: Let the kid do what he wants. If he kills her I can, you know.

Amanda: Yeah I know, but this is just painful to watch.

(Y/N) use the knife and plunged it into ruby's hand.

Ruby: AHHHHH!!! (Y/N) why.

(Y/N): Oh come on, were just playing right. Like how you played with my heart.

He took out the knife and placed it on her neck.

Ruby: (Y-Y/N). P-Please stop.

She said weakly.

(Y/N) stopped for a bit.

John: Oh no

Amanda: What do you mean oh no.

John: The author is going to do a flashback

Amanda: A what.

John: Quick get the things before.

John: Damn'it

Flashback (Y/N) past

Ruby: Come on (Y/N).

(Y/N): Ruby you're too fast.

Ruby: No you're too slow.

(Y/N): Oh yeah how about now.

He runs and grabs ruby and starts tickling her.

Ruby: Hehehe, (Y/N) stop, (Y/N) stop hehehe

Flashback end

Ruby: P-please (Y-Y/N).

Ruby passes out from the pain. (Y/N) drops his knife,  And stares at Ruby.

John: Amanda bring the girl to the spare room.

Amanda: Yes John.

John: (Y/N) feel better

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