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WARNING: This chapter contains subjects of self-harm and suicide. If you are easily disturbed by this, you probably shouldn't go on reading this chapter OwO.  —————————

Get out of my room. The words slide furiously from your mouth like a poisonous snake. Rick shakes his head solemnly and walks past you out the door. Once he's left, you let out a sigh of relief. I'm glad that little perverts gone. You think. But strangely, you start to feel regret and sympathy for the little perv that forced you to kiss him. He looked so sad... So pitiful... His usual smirk had disappeared and his face left only sadness. You try to stop yourself from walking out your door and following him, but it just felt right. He's not in the house, so you assume he's outside or in his garage. Making a quick decision, you scurry over to his garage and take a peak in. It's..... it's huge!! Boxes of random gadgets everywhere, cabinets full of neat machines, and a large counter where Rick lays, his head between a large, lamp-like contraption. He seems to be screwing in a red bulb to a machine next to it. Lasers form around his head and the machine makes a strange buzzing sound. Suddenly, to your dismay you know what he's trying to do and you take a leap forward. "RICK NO!!!!" Rick jerks his head around and you wrap your arms around him, pulling him away just as the lasers shoot some sort fiery explosion where his head would be. "W-w-what the fuck??!" He looks at you furiously, tears streaming down his cheeks. You hug him tightly and see scars on his wrist, some old and some new. You sit there hugging him like it's nothing, begging him not to hurt himself. "Okay, y-y/n." He promises, now hugging you back. You look into his eyes, warm tears threatening to sting your eyes. "D-did you want to... because of me??" Rick stiffens, so you know the answer is yes. You embrace him tighter. "Im sorry...." You start to sob into his shoulder. "Y/n it's fine.."

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