Finally a new chapter-

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GuyS I forgot this fucking thing existED—

         uhm, first of all,, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR 10k?? Like?? u h?? This is absolutely crazy-  I never really thought that some random "RickxReader" would get that amount of reads/views or whatever. So- here's a new part! Took me long enough, eh?

Yeah, but just pretend the characters never went back to their original dimension and they're still in testicle world or wherever the shit. The last actual chapter made no sense. Luv ya'll<3

"Rick, we should seriously just teleport back. There's no use in getting Morty in trouble." You rub the back of your neck nervously, starting to share Morty's frustration. "Besides, there's plenty to do back at home.." You chime, not really expecting to convince him. Rick peers down at you, seemingly still buzzed from the crystals. "Hmph. I-I-If- ~*eughh*~ If you two wanna be a bunch of wallflowers, then find a way to teleport back yourselves." He looks away, taking a quick swig from his flask. You gaze at Morty, scrunching your nose in annoyance. The boy shrugs, looking as if he's been in situations similar to this. He opens his mouth in protest. "R-Rick- this is really starting to get old! Y-You know what?! You don't care about anybody but yourself! You're j-j-just.. You're just a rickety old fart!!" "Mmh, what an insult, Morty. I-I bet-" Rick doesn't get to finish his sentence before Morty storms off, making the hair on the back of your neck prickle uneasily. You don't blame Morty, though. Rick was being sort of an asshole..! He isn't acting like he really cares about me! D-does he care about me..? You think back on fuzzy memories of the two of you enjoying each other's company. No, I'm sure he just wants to relax for a bit longer. But what about what we want? Does that really matter to him? You sigh, strolling up to him. Maybe you could convince him to just take them home. This new world was starting to make your nerves go crazy, anyways. "Rick.. you should really think about what Morty said," You run your hand convincingly down his spine while pressing your shoulder to his arm. "Maybe you are being a little selfish right now." You whisper, not taking your eyes from his. "Y/N, can't we just stay here and relax without Morty ruining it for us?" He says, a hint of genuine annoyance in his raspy voice.

"We really can't stay, though. This place is starting to give me the creeps."

Rick furrows his brow, slipping an arm around your waist. "Why don't we take Morty home and stop some place? Just you and me. We could go get a drink, or just go driving in the ship. How's *~eugh~* How does that sound?" His eyes are filled with genuine affection for you, and all of your previous suspicions are cast away. "Y-Yeah, okay."

~So, Rick forced himself to take an indignant Morty back home before loading you into his make-shift ship to go for a bit of a ride! Sounds at least a little bit exciting, right? Well, it had better. Rick hadn't been keen on staying home to hear Beth and Jerry's bitching and griping.~

You strain your eyes to see as far as you can into the deep expanse of nothingness, also known as space. Stars flicker in and out of view, and you rest your cheek against the glass in admiration. "Isn't space beautiful, Rick? It's like a whole new world! Erm, well, I guess it is a whole new world, but you get what I'm saying." Rick chuckles, taking his eyes away from what was in front of him to ruffle the hair on the top of your head. "Not really, I've been this way so many times that it's lost it's charm." His eyes are still focused on you. "You just have to watch for space debris out here, since we're still relatively close to that shit rock we call Earth." As soon as he finishes his sentence, a large piece of metal soars straight at your windshield. You feel your heart lurch in horror as you press yourself to your seat. "RICK-!!!"

         The last thing you hear is the sound of shattering glass and Rick's voice calling your name, and it all goes black.

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