New school!

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Your hands fidget nervously in your shirt, and you start to bite the bottom of your lip. It's your first day in Harry Herpson Highschool, and your scared shitless. You've been standing at the school entrance for awhile, and it's about time for the tardy bell to ring so you finally work up the courage to push the glass doors open and step into the wide expanse of lockers and class rooms. "307..." You think in your head. Heading up several flights of stairs, you finally find your room and right in time, too. Just as you step into the classroom the bell rings, and you feel like a complete savage for making it right on time like that. It seems like everyone in the classroom is focused on your every movement, and you feel yourself blush. "Everyone, I'd like you to welcome our new student, y/n." Says the teacher known as Mr. Goldenfold. Your new peer's eyes are sparked with interest as they observe you even more closely, making your face go a new shade of red. Aware of how stupid you must look, you quickly make your way to the first available desk you see. Sitting down, you look over to see that your sitting next to a boy with fluffy, light blue hair and a funky looking lab coat on. "H-hi, uuhh, y/n right? I'm Rick." He States, his voice surprisingly deep and gravelly for a fourteen year old. "Yeah, I just got here a couple days ago." Just then, you notice a greenish dribble on his chin, and your OCD kicks in. "U-umm... you've got something on your chin.." You say awkwardly. "I don't really care, it just happens." He responds, shrugging. "Ugh, here." You say as you wipe the green liquid off his chin. You blush, realizing what you just did. "Hey, get off!" Rick pushes you away, and walks out of the classroom. "iM tINY RICK!!!!" He screams as he exits the classroom.

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