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Rick rushes over to your broken body, dropping his gun on the floor. You try to scoot away, but it hurts to move. "Y/n!! What did that bastard do to you!?" Rick screams, rage making his voice waver. "I can fix this, I can fix this... think!!" You just realize he's talking to himself, when he scoops up your bruised body and heads for his garage. Rick has taken you to his garage many times, so the wide expanse of gadgets was nothing new. To your dismay, he sits you on the cold, hard floor and runs to one of many desks. You grunt in protest, as the floor was making you hurt more, but Rick doesn't seem to notice. He pulls out some liquid in small glasses and mixes the two together, it looks like some sci-fi shit.

He brings you the purple mixture and coaxes you to drink it. You down the liquid, and to your surprise all of your pain is gone and your busted lip goes back to normal. "H-How do you feel?" He questions you commandingly. "Good!" You reply, clearly shocked.
"But should I thank him, or resent him for killing my father?" You think.

"Hey about your father..," He begins. "No, he was probably going to kill me. He had never beaten me that bad before. You saved my life, Rick." You move closer and blink at him gratefully, he smelled of alcohol like always but you don't care. You embrace him tightly, and he hesitates. You look at him with warm e/c eyes and lean in. Your lips touch gently and passionately, and you savor the moment. Once you pull apart, you hug Rick some more. It was such a pure moment, and you feel as if you could hug him for the rest of your life. "I love you, Rick." "I love you too, y/n." He answers quietly.

     This time it wasn't fake. This time it was real.

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