Chapter 4

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I started hearing voices, but I kept my eyes close... I wanted to hear what the boys were saying, but I couldn't quiete take in what they were mumbling..

Suddenly, a wave of water just randomly splashed into my face, causing me to burst my eyes open and jump up.

"Oh! Sorry, love. I just wanted to wake you." Louis started explaining, feeling sorry.

"See! Told you it would startle her, Lou." Liam pointed out, putting his hands on hips and sticking his tongue out.

I kept in my laugh.

"It's fine." I say quiete to quickly, assuring them.

I look over to Zayn, who motions me to sit on the couch. Ow, my head hurts. Did I really just fall right like that? Luckily, I didn't get a concussion. Or so I think? I'm not sure how that is supposed to feel like.. Oh well.

"How long was I out?" I whispered to Zayn as the boys started gathering to the seats around me.

"Just an hour." a huge wave of relief pondered over me. Forunately, not so long. Phew.


"So, you two met at a cafe, huh?" Liam asked, breaking the silence.

Zayn and I shared a quick glance and nodded.

I know they all want to know (besides Harry) why I just blacked out or fainted, as they say. But, no one had the guts to do it, of course.


"Uh. Carly?" I felt Harry's eyes on me.

"Yeah?' I said as quietly as I could.

Everyone was watching. Just great.

"Can we talk, please?" Harry said slowly and calmly.

"There's nothing to talk about, Harry. Atleast, not anymore." I say a bit louder.

"Please, just give me five minutes. Five minutes, is all I need to explain myself." He started explaining.

"Fine." I say, starting to feel weak.

"Well then, I guess. We'll leave you two alone." Zayn said awkardly, getting up.

"Thanks." Harry muttered as all of them got up, besides Lou who kept nodding his head and sitting in place. Niall quickly thumped his head and he got snapped back into reality; causing all of them to head out to another room. A slight smile crept its way to spread across my face.

As they slammed the door shut, another wave of silence arrived.

"Carly, when you fainted, that was because of me, huh?" Harry asked with horror in his voice.

I said a simple, "yeah" which lead to another awkward silence.

In that silence, I finally looked up at him. For the first time, in what seemed forever.

He was looking down, at his hands which were twisting around. That's his nervous habit; it's funny how he still has it.. I was amazed at the view of him. His brown hair was no longer straight like when we were younger. It was now fixed with curls going in different directions. His body was built up; he probably started going to the gym. Funny, isn't it? Before, he never cared if his body was toned or not. His face was pretty much the same; and of course, that jawline was as sharp as can be, just like before. But, his body was covered in tattoos. A lot of them. I tried to study them, through his shirt, but I couldn't quiete see all of them.. And he definately, got a lot taller. 

"Quit your staring, Candy." he smirked.

I looked down and blushed a bit. So, he did notice. And he used that nickname. He used to call me, 'Candy' just to annoy me, but over time, I actually grown to fall in love with the name. He was never scared of being outgoing next to me, or anyone. And see, he still is. And I guess that's his gift because now he is able to perform with a talen he had always enjoyed. Singing. Singing was literally his passion. Every time he heard Coldplay or just any of his favorite singers, he would just jump around and sing. I remember that, and I remember how he once sang with his band, 'White Eskimo' just to me. 

"I'm sorry for not showing up all those times, love. I never meant to hurt you." Harry explained.

"Well, you did hurt me." I crossed my arms.

"I'm sorry about that. I still remember all those days. The first time, you know managment called me last minute to come over to an interview." Harry started.

"I already know that. But I never knew the second time, you know? You just left me sitting in front of my house for hours, thinking of everything that might have happened to you. I called you six times and sent you a text and I never heard from you. Until-

"Until I sent 'It's about time to forget' a week later.'' Harry interrupted.

So, he does remember? And all this time, he never replied; not telling me what it meant or anything. It's as if all the contacting things like phones or emails have disappeared off the surface of this planet.

"Exactly. Like what the hell, Harry?" I shouted. A bit too loudly.

"I know I screwed up, okay? But I got a new phone after that text. Management forced the boys and me to get new phones with new phone numbers for safety and other reasons, since we were becoming famous. And so, I never had your phone number." He explained.

His british accent was thick like always..

"But how about that entire week when you did have your phone? And plus, you did have my email!" I fumed.

"I-uh." Harry stuttered.

"And how about the second time? Hmm. Why couldn't you make it that time?" I glared at him.

"It's cause that's when I was... set up with a girl." he said upset.

He did regret this. Good. And WHAT?!

"A girl? Huh? I thought that at the moment, we had some- nevermind. And exactly who set you up then?" I already had tears in my eyes. Aww no. 

"I-I'm really sorry. Managment, I swear. You can call them. They'll tell you. They were setting me up or like hiring girls to date me. They wanted to cover up all the rumors that were already swirling around, since we were still a new band and all. I'm sorry." he started crying.

Wow. That's the second time I ever saw Harry crying. The first time was well.. when we were four, he tripped and his knees were scraped, and he started tearing. Hehe. Fetus Harry.

"You had an entire week!" I bawled quietly.

"I had a girl for everyday that week. Coincidence that it was in the same week, huh?" Harry tried to liften the mood, but still continued to tear.

"So, you're telling me you didn't have no time, not even a second to text me back?" I looked deep into his deep, round sea green eyes.

"I did. I know I did. But I got so caught up with the fame, girls, the boys, social networks and all, I forgot the most important person and aspect of my life, you.I'm sorry, I really am." he said clearly.

"Then, why didn't you ever try? I did, and you couldn't? You know, I've had enough of this all, Harry. My life was freaking bloody hell after you left, and you were never there for me.You can just blame it all on management and fame, okay? I don't care. Have a nice life, oh wait, nevermind because you always did. Oh and your five minutes are up. Okay. I'm done with you. Completly Done." and with those words, I zoomed out the door; not saying any goodbye to any of the boys.

I don't care, to be honest. I won't see them face to face, ever again.

And the fact that Harry's not going after me shows he doesn't care.

But you know, maybe it is a good thing that I showed up to see him. I conquered one of my biggest fears: facing him again. And maybe, I can finally get over myself. I said everything I wanted to say, and I'm happy about that..

And, maybe just maybe this will give me a new look at life and a bright new start... right?

*Hellooo. This chapter was marvelous, wasn't it? Haha. So, now you guys fiinally know what had happened between those two. So, yeah. LALALALALA. I'm gonna go now, mkai? Byeee.*

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