Your eyes fluttered open awakening yourself from the slumber that you were currently enjoying before the light woke you up.It took you about a few minutes to get used to the sun shining through the window brightening up the room and your vision. Your e/c eyes gazed down to find a certain healers purple arms wrapped around your waist and the soft breathes fading in and out of hearing. When ever he exhaled from his nose the soft air that landed on your neck tickled from sorak having his face crooked in your neck.
Tiredly you smiled trying to keep yourself from falling back to sleep. "Sorak..wake up its morning" your voice was low enough not to scare him awake nor too quiet to hear. A low rumble could be heard as he just snuggled his head deeper into the crook of your neck, the grip on your waist growing a little stronger as he pulled you as close as he could.Only a few minutes passed by did sorak did then open those yellow captivating eyes that you oh so loved looking in to observing you. "Hm.." Turning around slowly having you face the wall with his arms still wrapped around your waist.
It was probably wise to let him continue sleeping he always worked so hard to help around the house and outside plus healing the world. But mainly because your way to sleepy to argue with yourself at the moment. Closing your eyes as darkness embraced your vision, you let your sleep take over.
Fixing a cup of tea for the both of you sorak stood in the kitchen awaiting the kettle to whistle.He was actually the one to get you to drink tea as you stocked up on it but never used it until he came. You favored *insert your favorite flavor of tea here* more than anything else but the occasionally green tea wasn't so bad. With the steaming hot cross buns laying on a plate in the middle of the table made you even more impatient for the tea. You can't lie when you say sorak learned fast to bake and cook things when he watched you.
At last the quiet atmosphere was broken as the whistling of the tea kettle was heard throughout the room. Thankfully blocking out the noise of your stomach rumbling. After sorak set the two cups of now steaming hot tea down as they were cooling off he intertwined his fingers with yours smiling. He then brought your hand up to lay a slow small kiss upon it a small tingle left where his lips were.'He's so so lucky to have found him..but my urge to eat breakfast is more tempting' The silly thoughts swimming in your mind caused you to grin and have a small laugh.
"Are you laughing at my horn again?" he asked starting to smirk with a questioning eyebrow raise. At times you would tease him saying his horn is instead a banana growing on top of his head. Shaking your head you responded, "Nah just thinking about how much i love you.." Which wasn't a lie. As if life was taunting you the grumbling of your stomach was heard again.
Both of you looked at each other and proceeded to laugh.
After the two of you had eaten and fully woke up together you decided today would be a relaxing day. Morley you had decided for the sorak but who's to argue with you?At the moment your head rested in his lap as your e/c eyes were fixated on the blueish sky in a loving silence.Both of you decided to go and relax in a field of flowers where you two first met. His fingers moved a stray piece of hair out of your face to the side as he stared at you. To sorak he thought you were the most beautiful and exquisite human hes ever met but then again your probably the only person hes interacted so much with in a long time.
"You know all my time i spend with you makes me feel as if the world is in balance when your near.But alas i know there is much more to do." he spoke with a soft tone. Your eyes gazed up towards him this time with a small smile upon your lips. One of your hands reached up to lay upon the left side of his cheek. He leaned into your touch as you could feel the warmth radiating off of him.'Maybe he's was like a secret cuddly bear before he stepped down into the mortal world..' Dismissing the silly thought from your head your gaze continued to be kept on him.
"There may not be much i can do to help..but just know your not alone we're a like two bright stars burning brighter when together right?" you asked with confidence and a bit of curiosity. He always told you that when you completed one of his various tasks to help the wounded and the weak with him and what some have grown to call the two of you.He was referred as the star child when he wasn't accompanied by you but, if he was they would call him the starlight and you the Stellar star .You sat up you and changed your position to be sitting in his lap.(No kinky stuff readers im watching ya*peeks from the corner im hiding from*im watchinggggg *disappears*) Nodding he leaned down for a kiss and of course you leaned in too. Who's gonna deny a kiss from a cute and maybe hot goat? You sure wont.
Finally the distance was closed between the two of you, foreheads touching as the kiss kept lasting. The feeling of his horn didn't go unnoticed though you didn't mind or care that he did have a yellow banana looking horn protrude from his head. Even if his skin tone was purple and that he had hooves as feet didn't bother you. You loved him for he was, his kind personality touched your heart and sorak wasn't at all a bad kisser either.
Breaking the kiss you pulled away as both of your foreheads were still touching staring into each others eyes.In a loving silence that words weren't necessary to describe the moment they felt did they stay like that until the night cascaded the sky in darkness. Even if he may not be a celestial being anymore you're glad that you had stumbled upon him.
Together you both will help those wounded and others alike to find peace.
(GOD 1000 words im so dead. Well anyways i wanted to publish something since i haven't in awhile and may i tell you i haven't slept yet so forgive me if there's something messed up. Anyways hoped you enjoyed!)

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