The Cheers of Adoration, blurred grins, and the adrenaline coursing through her muscles and every inch of her body. That's what she enjoyed most about the fights that happened in the pits. It's what kept her from staying on that ground of mixed sand and blood. Getting up shakily she grinned staring her formidable foe right in their eyes. Even if she could barely see with the use of one eye. Just because she was a bit beat up doesn't mean that her opponent underestimated her. They learned that and it was evident from the bruises and assortment of damages afflicted on them.
As she studied him with the amount of time she had before moving to attack or dodge one thing she noticed that this guy definitely wasn't from around here. Wasn't Vastayan and certainly didn't fight like an Ionian. Which means he's from Noxus or Demacia. Although Demacian was scratched out immediately from the colors adorned on him, dark and red. Though it doesn't matter who you are and where you are from in this fighting pit, what truly mattered was who was the last one standing.
With that thought in mind, this fight would likely be ending soon since the two of them had been at it for a while. Though she had fighting spirit this fight was still taking a toll on her body. Gathering what energy and strength she readied her final attack, and hopefully, this would work out in the end. Within seconds her body was heading straight for her opponent with a fist in tow, similar to what Sett would do. Instead of doing a full force accelerated punch she dashed quickly behind him hitting her opponent's spirit gates located on the neck. Something she had learned from one of Sett's acquaintances. Something she didn't account for was her opponent reacting so quickly, just mere seconds after using her move and arm swung around hitting her upper body with full force causing her to fly back and hit the walls of the pit with a hard thud. Pop was all she heard before her right shoulder was in excruciating pain causing her to cry out in pain.
All of a sudden it didn't matter if the crowds were cheering for her or not. Getting up as slowly as she could she noted that whatever move she did worked because there her opponent was on the ground, eating sand. Looking up at where Sett would be she smiled at the people he worked with. He obviously wasn't there because if he was there wouldn't have been a fight at all. They bore a proud look but also concerned, knowing Sett would be back sooner or later.
Carina (The female in his splash art, didn't wanna keep calling her the female) jumped down and rushed to her aid and escorted her to where she was currently at. Sitting her down in Sett's chair she began to examine every bruise, cut and scrap on the injured female.
"The only thing too bad is her shoulder, it must have popped when she made an impact with the wall" Carina concluded.
She was gonna speak again but was cut off by the abrupt interruption of no one other than the Boss. And he didn't look happy at all.
"So Explain to me why you two went against my orders and let s/o fight?"
They were smart and knew their answer wouldn't matter, and his s/o did too.
Tugging on his arm and looking up at him the best she could she explained,
"They didn't let me fight I did! I snuck into the pits before the next match began. Please don't be mad I just wanted to fight like you!" she squeaked out nervously.
There was a pause before Sett glared at his two assistances before picking his s/o up and freezing when she hissed her shoulder made contact with his chest. This had just added more fuel to the fire, although he would deal with the problem later.
"Where are we going?" his s/o inquired
"Im not letting no human doctor put their hands all over you" he seethed.
So she concluded that he was likely taking her to her house to bandage her up himself. At that thought, she smiled and snuggled more up against his warm chest.
~~Bonus Content~~
"Sett you don't have to kiss every cut and bruise"
"Sett why are you crying I was the one who had to get my shoulder put back in place"
-Requested by

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