When he ignores you

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(A/n This was a suggestion by @WillowDs so i thank them for this wonderful idea! And i finally got to it)

Azir: The rightful ruler of Shurima hardly ever ignores you. Its actually very hard for him to ignore you at all, being that he always wants you at his side. Though occasionally he'll have something important to attend to leaving you to yourself. But oh boy if you think he didn't leave his soldiers to watch your every move your wrong. As soon as he's finished he'll come back and smother you with affection. Even though it can get annoying at times, you still love your bird king.

Brand: Brand will huff and puff giving you the silent treatment till the end of the day. Since hes known for his short temper so you'll give him his time to cool off. When he does he'll come grumbling  incoherent words into the back of your shirt. He may have a big temper but his a soft, warm, cuddly bear to you. Though don't tell him that you called him that.

Darius: Darius is used to tuning you out if you become a nuisance or distract him from important work. When you do realize he's been ignoring you for the past 10 minutes of your story a pout will surely be heard from you. After several minutes of seeing you mope around his work area and him he'll sigh and lift you up  placing  you in his lap. That surely shut you up for the remainder of time.

Draven: when he does ignore you its not on purpose at least you think so. See everyone knows about Dravens huge ego and his fans of course. Most of the time when you both had free time and strolling around Noxus there would sometimes be some fan girls lurking around.The ones that had the guts to come talk to him would run up and ask for autographs or if they can accompany him. Now see Draven isn't the brightest of people so clueless he said yes. The whole walk would included flirts, Draven showing off with his axes. When the girls eventually went home and you guys headed back you were quiet the whole walk. Eventually he'll notice your quietness and in the most Draven way possible he'll try to make you forgive him. Though he doesn't know what he did he doesn't want to see a frown on your face.

Ekko: Most of the time he'll be working on his... device.. So he'll be focused on fixing it or upgrading it. If it isn't to important he'll find a way to make time for you.

Kayn: The shadow reaper will is used to ignoring people. So its not suprise when he goes quiet, he'll expect you to take the hint and leave. But if you still won't budge he'll sigh and ask nicely. After you give him space he'll pull you close and try to play cool. He's still used to this feeling of love and weirdly can't get enough of it. Plus how could he ignore that "chaotic face" as Rhaast likes to call it.

Kennen: When he ignores you its mostly when your trying to distract him from meditating or training. Whether its seductive ways or silly ways, y/n please if Shen saw you guys what would your excuse be?

Malzahar: The rare times he isn't in the void or somewhere mysterious hell spend time with you. If you intend to be annoying and get to a point of irritating he'll up and leave using a void portal Though at the end of the week hell come back and you'll apologize which he accepts. No matter how annoying you can get he still has feelings for you.

Talon: This silent assassin will just up and parkour out your window. Its his way of ignoring you since you can't really climb and jump over things. But he'll eventually forgive you and quietly hold you.

Varus: Varus will just quietly continue what he was doing without paying any attention to you. If you apologize and give him his time he'll pull you close and lay his chin on your head. Your such a handful

Viktor: When he did it wasn't to purposely ignore you. The times you would visit him in his workshop you'd be talking so fast about something that happend you wouldn't notice that he was working on an important project. When you didn't hear any responses from him you'd finally notice and leave him too it. He appreciated when you did and made sure to treat you. Though feelings are a weakness the one he shares with you is hard to just take away.

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