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Storyline by MaccaAndTheBeatles

One day, Octo was feeling very sad. Walrus noticed this and decided to cheer him up.

He took Octo out to lunch and talked about what was so upsetting. Octo said that someone had eaten the potatoes in his garden and he didn't know who it was. Walrus had a suspicion it was the restaurant manager, Roger. 

They left to go scream on a roller coaster(That's what we use them for, right?) and then came back and asked Roger if he had eaten the potatoes. He said no. 

Walrus asked, "Did you STEAL them?" Roger looked down and said yes. 

Roger needed help growing his own food, so he hired Octo and Walrus to work in his underwater restaurant, since they worked best together. Roger never ate out of anyone else's garden again.

A/N I'm so sorry this is so short, I will try to make longer ones XD I hope you like it anyway!

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