I Am the Walrus

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"Hey Paul," I said, running up to him.

"Yes, John?"

"So I just ran into this kid, and he said his school was analyzing lyrics to our songs!"

"Oh, that's cool, lucky kid!"

"What? No! That's not cool! They're saying weird stuff about us and our relationships! Oh, and they also think you're dead. Apparently, you died a year ago."

"WHAAAT?!?! John, we've gotta stop this!"

"Yes, but how?"

"I don't know, maybe we could write a song that would utterly confuse them, then they would lay off."

"Yeah, that's a good idea...Oh, and we should get high, too, that might help."

"Okay, I'll come over to your place and we can write tonight"



He came over at 6 and we took LSD and wrote and had a good time. Suddenly, he said," Hey, John, what was that? I thought I heard something."

"What was it?"

"Something crunching," He said.

We heard it again, and it sounded like I was sitting on it, so I got up and it was a broken cornflake on my chair."Ha! You were sitting on a cornflake! Oh, that would make a good line..."

We kept writing for while, until I had a great idea, by that I mean a totally random idea, which would be great for the topic of the song, which of course was randomness. "I am a walrus!!!!!" Paul just looked at me like I was a genius. I was thinking about what else I could be, and then I said,"But what if I'm really an eggman? Wait no, you're an eggman. I'm still a walrus, we might switch later, though." We wrote for hours, until Paul looked at the clock and said "I should go it's late. Goodnight, John."

"You can stay here, you probably shouldn't drive now...... trolls might eat you."

"You're right, John, I'll stay here." he said.

We wrote again in the morning, but it wasn't as random as the night before because we slept the LSD off, but it was still pretty strange.

We went into the studio, giggling, and showed the song to George and Ringo, who were completely baffled, and we told them why we wrote it. Then we showed George Martin and he said it was okay to record, but that was after a lot of bribing and manipulating....poor Mr Martin.

A/N well, this wasn't a very well written chapter, but I hope you like it anyway :)

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