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I am here.

When we died, after Asriel refused to use our powers to kill those humans, his dust was scattered on the soil. He grew into that flower. Then he got DETERMINATION. The new Royal Scientist injected it into him. And Asriel got to live again.

But not truly. Asriel, or Flowey, as Father -Asgore- named him, couldn't feel a thing. His vessel has no SOUL. Asgore was always terrible at naming things.

I will not make those mistakes.

I have determination already. It is in my essence. All I need is a SOUL to latch onto.

Toriel took my body away from the basement of New Home and buried me.

Flowey- no. Asriel. I will call him Asriel. Asriel finally ran away from our father. He couldn't take not being able to feel. He went to our mother, Toriel, but talked with her less and less over the months. She failed too. She couldn't save Asriel. She didn't even know he was Asriel. Asriel hangs around where Toriel buried me, not even knowing this is where I am buried.

Since then, six humans have fallen.

None were sufficiently determined to set us all free.

Asgore took their SOULS but did not absorb any of them. Toriel simply let them pass through the Ruins peacefully.

I have been waiting for years. But they've finally fallen.

I latch onto their SOUL. I possess their body. I can whisper in their ear, tell them what to do. Frisk is their name. Frisk is filled with determination. Their SOUL is strong. Their determination is almost greater than mine.

Finally. A body of my own. I can finally set us all free.

And then I look into their mind. Frisk is miserable, lonely, abandoned, hopeless, helpless. Out of all the humans, they are the only one I've been able to share minds with.

Frisk tried to commit suicide but instead fell here.

Memories come. Things I haven't recalled in years. I remember that I fell for the same reason.

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