The End

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I have almost no control anymore. Frisk does not know what they want, only knows what they do not want: they do not want Toriel and Alphys trapped here, do not want Undyne and Papyrus to live without sunlight, do not want to disappoint Sans. 

And they do not want to kill my father.

We reach the throne room. My father is there, watering his flowers, tending them as he once tended to my brother in his flower form.

He notices Frisk and talks to them for a moment. He tells them that if they have any unfinished business, to go and do it now. Frisk hesitates for a moment and shakes their head. My father shows them the barrier, almost a plea for Frisk to see why he must kill them. Asgore looks down. He will not look at Frisk. I think the look in Frisk's eyes remind him of me, somehow.

Do not worry, Father. There is a better way. And for the record, you were wrong. I was never the future of humans and monsters. Frisk is.

Asgore initiates the battle, saying, "Human. It was nice to meet you. Goodbye." Then he destroys the mercy option, just as I thought he would. Frisk, though, is taken aback. 

Frisk tries to talk to Asgore, eats when their HP drops, tries to talk again. All to no avail. Frisk dies four times before they realize what they must do. They heft the worn dagger in their hand. They are sorrowful.

I am sorry you must do this, Frisk. I truly am. But my father understands. He would not blame you. And I know you, Frisk; you would not kill him.

Shakily, Frisk makes their first-ever attack. It is weak but hits nonetheless. With a mantra of 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,' Frisk and my father fall into an attack, counterattack pattern.

I lend Frisk the strength they need to continue on. I am proud that they see what needs to be done. Finally, Asgore drops to his knees, unable to continue.

He looks up at Frisk, sorrow in his eyes. "I remember the day after my son died. The entire underground was devoid of hope. The future had once again been taken from us by the humans. In a fit of anger, I declared war. I said that I would destroy any human that came here. I would use their souls to become godlike ...and free us from this terrible prison. Then, I would destroy humanity... And let monsters rule the surface, in peace." Asgore sighs a terrible sigh. 

I know why because I know what happened next.

"Soon," he said, "The people's hopes returned. My wife, however, became disgusted with my actions. She left this place, never to be seen again. Truthfully... I do not want power. I do not want to hurt anyone. I just wanted everyone to have hope..." Another terrible sigh. 

Frisk feels such deep remorse for hurting my father. Frisk is a much better person than I ever was. I want to hug my father so much, but I cannot.

Asgore looks up at Frisk. "I cannot take this any longer. I just want to see my wife. I just want to see my child. Please... Young one... This war has gone on long enough. You have the power... Take my soul, and leave this cursed place."

Frisk takes several steps back and blinks several times. "No," they whisper. Then, louder, ringing out in the small room, "No! I won't kill you, Asgore." And to themself, 'I don't want to leave.'

Asgore gapes at Frisk. "After everything I have done to hurt you... You would rather stay down here and suffer... Than live happily on the surface? Human... I promise you... For as long as you remain here... My wife and I will take care of you as best we can. We can sit in the living room, telling stories... Eating butterscotch pie... We could be like... Like a family..."

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