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When Kate was stressed, she'd find herself playing her favorite game, 'When Flowers Bloom.'

It was a typical otome game and its plot wasn't particularly spectacular, but the characters were amazing. Every character had a story, a motive, a reason to exist. Each character felt alive, and Kate loved every single one of them.

But as much as she loved them all, no character could top the love she felt for Catrina Veltina, the story's villaness. 

Normally when she played otome games, just like everyone else, she'd feel a strong dislike towards the main antagonist. However, when it came to Catrina those feelings were replaced with admiration and envy. 

Kate longed to be like Catrina, she wanted to be bold, fearless, confident and proud. 

Catrina Veltina was the only child of a general; a character truly worth being the main antagonist. She was unnaturally skilled in swordsmanship and magic, baring the potential to be one of the strongest swordsman in the country.

Catrina wasn't the type of person to repress her feelings. If she disliked you, she would tell you. If you pushed her, she would push you back, and if she was angry with you, she'd unleash her fury upon you, no questions asked. 

In the otome game, Catrina was engaged to Lucas Roman, who was the second prince and main love interest. The otome game never stated whether Catrina loved the prince romantically or not, but Catrina had made it very clear that she despised the heroine, who seduced her fiance bringing shame upon her family. 

Another unique thing about the game was that, no matter what end you got, Catrina was never punished. Although, it would have been strange if she was. How would you be able to punish someone who not only had status, but also power to back it up? Especially someone you would need in an upcoming war, which would take place in the second game.

Every time Kate played, her admiration for Catrina would grow. She wanted to be like her, she wanted her confidence, her beauty. She couldn't help feel that if she had even and eighth of Catrina's confidence, she would at least be able to walk the school halls with her head held high.

That if she was like Catrina, then maybe, just maybe, things would be better.

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