Chapter 16

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"So, what did you do this time?" Catina asked, exhaling tiredly. 

Catrina harrumphed angrily, "How can you just assume that I did something bad?"

"Well.." Catrina started hesitantly, "Whenever mother summons us like this you've usually done something terrible."

"Well you can rest assured that we're not in trouble," Catrina said proudly. "Lately I've been busy with practice, so I really didn't have the time to do anything."


"Have you ever thought that maybe mother just wants to spend some time with us?" Catrina suggested. "I mean, she always seems so busy."

Catina bit her lip, "I guess that makes sense."

"See?" Catrina said chuckling slightly, "You worry too much."

Catina pursed her lips and looked away, choosing to admire the painting on the wall instead of responding.

Sensing her sister's unwillingness to continue the conversation, Catrina reluctantly changed the topic. 

"When do you think Greyson is coming back?" 

Catina scrunched up her eyebrows, "He left? When?"

Mouth agape, Catrina paused and turned towards her sister, "What do you mean when? He left yesterday."

Catina flushed, "How was I supposed to know? He didn't tell me he was leaving."

"He didn't tell me either and I still knew." Catrina smirked.

"Well you're a gossip, so you know everything."

"Whatever." Catrina rolled her eyes.

"How is he going to continue his training with father if he isn't here?" 

"It's going to be a weekend thing." Catrina shrugged dismissively.

"Oh." Catina muttered, "Won't that give you an advantage though?" 

"Advantage? Sweetie either way I'm a better swordsman than him." Catrina smirked as she flipped her hair over her shoulder. 

Catina stared at her sister in disbelief.

"Besides, my schedule got changed too, so I only have practice on the weekends now." 

"What? Why?" Catina questioned.

Catrina shrugged as she motioned towards the maid standing in front of her mother's office door to alert their mother of their arrival.

"No idea, but the amount of etiquette and history classes I have to take have increased." 

A small stretch of silence fell over the two as the maid opened the door and led them to their mother who was casually sitting on a couch sipping tea.

"Ah, my precious flowers are finally here." Amelia smiled as she gestured the two forward. 

"You say that as if we took forever to get here." Catrina grinned as she took a seat across from Amelia.

"Well I did grow a few white hairs while I was waiting for you two." Amelia laughed.

"That's not because of us." Catrina pouted.

Amelia chuckled before turning Catina who was still standing, "Are you going to stand there all day darling?"

"Ah... right," Catina blushed as she scrambled to sit next to her sister. 

Amelia ringed a bell and a maid entered the room and began placing snacks on the table next to them. 

"Help yourself girls, this might take a while." 

"What's wrong mother?" Catina questioned as Catrina began picking out a few sweets from the table.

"There's nothing wrong darling," Amelia sighed.

"Then what is it?" Catrina questioned as she tried to licked the chocolate off her lips.

"Watch your manners Catrina," Amelia scolded as she handed her a napkin. "This behavior can't continue, especially since you're-"

Amelia paused.

"Mother?" Catina called out. 

"A few days ago, your father and I received an edict from the king suggesting marriage between Catrina and his second son, prince Lucas." Amelia said softly.

"Huh?" Catrina gaped at her mother.

"You're going to be a princess sweetie." Amelia forced out a smile.

"But," Catrina scrunched up her eyebrows in disgust, "I don't want to be a princess!"

"Now, now Catrina, let's not raise our voice." Amelia said soothingly. "Being a princess isn't a bad thing."

"No." Catrina resisted stubbornly, "Tell the king that I'm not marrying his son."

"Catrina!" Amelia scolded, "Mind your manners."

"Is this why my schedule was changed?" Catrina questioned accusingly.

Amelia remained silent, not having the courage to answer her daughter. 

"I see." Catrina said curtly, as angry tears began clouding her eyes. "I don't want to marry mother, especially not to a prince."

"Catrina.." Amelia trailed off softly. "You'll have to marry someday, there's just no way around it."

"Please mother." Catrina begged.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but I can't -" 

Without another word Catrina got up and stormed out of the room, slamming the door on her way out.

Silence descended upon the room.

"Mother.." Catina called out softly.

"You're not going to go after your sister?" Amelia questioned as a sad smile graced her face.

"Ah.." Catina's face flushed in embarrassment. 

"Your father and I are also in the midst of planning your marriage." Amelia said hesitantly.


"If things go well then in a few weeks time you'll be engaged to the grandson of a very dear friend of my father." 


"Marriage isn't a bad thing darling," Amelia smiled softly. "Once Catrina calms down I'm sure she'll be able to see that."

Seeing Catina's downcast expression, Amelia continued on in an attempt to try and cheer her up, "Try to keep an open mind okay darling? Who knows, maybe one day you might be thanking me for arranging such a wonderful marriage partner for you."

Catina smiled slightly, "Yes mother."

"Good, here, have some more sweets." Amelia said as she pushed a plate full pudding towards Catina.

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