Meet my friends

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I race out of the car to catch up with Laf since he'd gotten out before me and just started to leave. "Rude. Don't even hold the door open for your sis?" I gave a fake pout. "Chivalry's dead these days." I muttered. Lafayette chuckled and rubbed my head playfully.

"Keep up, I've got some people I want you to meet!" He shouts over his shoulder as he began to run off, I stand there frozen in shock for a moment then dart after him. "W-wait!"

:-: :-:

We arrive on College campus and Lafayette finally stopped running, allowing me to catch up, i panted as I begin to catch my breath. I punched his arm as soon as I've caught my breath, earning a "Ow!" From Lafayette. "That's what ya' get ya' ass." I stuck my tongue  out at him, my French accent making it slightly hard to understand what I said.

Lafayette shrugged it off and we head to the dorms. We chose to take the stairs for more exercise because why not? Lafayette knocks on a door with the number '34' on it. A man with long, brown curly, hair opens. His face is dotted with freckles and he's holding.... he's holding a turtle?

"John, mon ami, meet my-" the man supposedly named John looks at me and his face lights up. "You must be Y/N, Laf's little sister!" He exclaimed, giving another man with his hair pulled into a low ponytail his turtle to hug me. "Lafayette talks about you a lot!" He squeals, and turns inside while inviting us in.

:-: :-:

After a few hours of staying there I've learned everyone's names and a bit about them. They're all playing MarioKart... I just mess with my phone, I'll admit some of Laf's friends are attractive. But only one in particular caught my attention, Hercules Mulligan, He's a giant teddy bear!

I collapse onto his lap and angle myself so my feet dangle off the armrest of the couch and my torso is on his lap, my focus drawn to my phone as I go through social media. Hercules didn't seem to mind, his legs were crossed as he played the game.

I hear shouting and it draws my attention away, looking up from my phone and see that someone won the race. "Who won?" I asked as I looked at Herc curiously. "I did. I am, by far, the MarioKart champ." He claims.

I sit up from his lap and set my phone down as I raise a brow, I see Laf from the corner of my eye with a panicked expression. "Is that a challenge?" I question, Herc grinned with a curt nod.

"Lafayette, controller. Now." I growl to my brother, he nods and hands me his. "You're on." I smirk as I look at Hercules. He shrugs.

We start picking our characters, I decided to choose Dry Bones, I thought he looked cool. And so the game starts.

:-: :-:

I smiled as I set my controller down, I'd come in 1st place. Herc looks at me in surprise. "How-" Hercules was cut off my obnoxious laughing from Alex.

"Pfft. You got beat by a girl!" He exclaims. I roll my eyes and look at Herc who seems to be letting it get to him. I shifted my gaze back to Alex. "Would you like to get beat up by one?" I snarl, venom flowing through my words. Alexander's face shifted to pure horror as he makes up an excuse to leave the room. "I-uh... I'll make us some s-sandwiches." He stammers and hurriedly leaves.

Hercules snickers then looks at me with a sweet smile. "Thanks." He says. "Of course. Nobody gets to tease Herc, only I do!" I shout as I hold my hand to my chest in mock of honor. "Mhm. Sure." He rolls his eyes. "Well I do ya' horse fucker." I giggled.

He faked a hurt expression and then shoved me off the couch playfully, I stand up and rub my butt as I fake being hurt. I stick my round out and murmur quietly, "Who wants food? Good food, not Alex's." I laugh as he comes back in the room looking offended.

"It's fine, I only made myself a sandwich." He mutters and sits beside John. All of the guys' heads perk up and they raise their hands. I giggled and nodded, taking the keys from Lafayette.

:-: :-:

I took the elevator this time, I then knock on the dorm door since my hands are full with two pizza boxes. "Let me in fuckers!" I shout. I heard some shuffling and Herc answers the door, he brightens at the sight then steps aside to let me in. I set the boxes on the table and Herc was the first to grab a slice.

I sit down on the couch as the boys dig in, pulling out my phone and taking pictures of them. " psychos." I murmur. Hercules sits down beside me, I grin and look at him. "Your fingers are- ew." I mumbled, he looks at his greasy and sauce covered fingers, then looks back at me with a wink. I roll my eyes and decide to see what's new with social media.

:-: :-:

We finish eating dinner and I yawn, "So, who's my roommate?" I asked out of the blue. All the guys stop talking and shift their attention to me in shock. Seems they haven't thought this through. "I'm bunking with Thomas, fucking, Jefferson." Lafayette growled through gritted teeth. "And I'm with John." Alexander murmurs.

"Alright then, Herc, I'm all yours!" I shout playfully, Alex nudges him with smirk and Hercules blushed in response. "So-" I was cut off by Herc. "We're already in my and now, your, dorm." He smiles.

I nod and turn to the rest of the guys, checking my watch I see it's a quarter til' midnight. "Beat it." I grunt. They stare at me quizzically. "It's almost midnight! Go, go, go!" I squeak as Herc grabs me from behind, picking me up, then tossing my onto a chair. "It's the weekend, did you forget?" He chuckles lightly. I turn red with embarrassment. "Whatever. Don't stay up to late, I'm going to bed." I murmur and walk out of the room and to the bedroom.

:-: :-:


There's hardly any Hercules x Readers! I like Herc, he's a teddy bear, so I decided to write it! Whew!

(DISCONTINUED) Sweet n' Sour {*~Hercules Mulligan x Reader~*} (Modern)Where stories live. Discover now