I'd never cheat

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I yawn and sit up, I carefully remove Herc's arms from my waist and slide out of bed. I then get up and head towards the bathroom, turning on the shower.

"Mon amour, you wanna join me in the shower?" I cooed from inside the bathroom, Herc was a light sleeper, I hear running and I giggle. "Someone's excited." I tease. "It's not everyday I get to shower someone as beautiful as you~" He purred.

~*Short TimeSkip brought to you by this lazy ass author*~

I step out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around my body, I then brush out and dry my hair. Once I'm positive my face is dry I apply my makeup and hear Hercules comment, "Y'know you don't need makeup, you're perfectly gorgeous without it." I roll my eyes. "Alright then, I'll remember that next time I have a hangover." I murmur.

He chuckled breathily. "Kitten, what did I do to deserve you?" He cooed. "I don't know, what did you do?" I ask, he playfully rolled his eyes and approached me from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his face in the crook of my neck.

I heard a few light knocks. "Herc, would you get the door?" I asked, applying some eyeliner. "I'm not letting you go." He said, his voice muffled. "Herc..." I pause and look at him cuddling me in the mirror. "Nu-uh." He replied.

I sigh and walk towards the Cabin door, Hercules still attached to me, and open it to find the gang. "Well good morning lovebirds!" My brother exclaims. "The fuck, it's like 7:30 in the morning, why're you guys here?" I grumble.

"Well you guys are already awake and looking like you're ready for the day, what does it matter?" Alexander comments. I roll my eyes and walk back towards the mirror, Aaron and Laf sit on the bed while John and Alexander close the door and chat.

"So... I heard some moans last night~" Alexander grinned and turned to us. "Nothing happened between us last night, must've been someone else near your guys' cabin." I snap. John arched a brow and turned his gaze towards Hercules, expecting an answer.

"She's right, I remember when we got back last night I tried to seduce her and failed... all we did was cuddle." He murmurs. Alexander let's out a snort. "Good job sis, not many can resist Herc. You're a first!" Lafayette exclaims.

I huff and turn, Hercules let's go of me and sits on a chair. "'Not many'? Huh?" I growl, John nods and answers for him. "Yeah. He's had plenty of girlfriends or one-night stands." I shift my gaze to Hercules and glare at him.

"That's true?" I asked, more of a demand though. Herc looks at me and nods reluctantly. "So how do I know you won't cheat on me then?!" I hissed. Hercules stares at me. "I'd never!" He responds.

I cross my arms and huff, turning back to the mirror. Hercules sneaks up behind me, he grabs my hand and twirls me around to face him. I stared at the wall instead, he grabs my chin and makes me look at him. "Listen. I'd never cheat on you. Not now, not ever." He says, his face was sincere yet serious.

I relax and melt into his touch, smiling gently as I hug him. He smiles too and hugs me back.
"I love you babygirl~" He purred in my ear. "I love you too Teddy Bear." I murmur and gaze fondly at him.

"Gross!" Alexander exclaims, earning a smack from Aaron and Lafayette. "Wait to ruin a moment!" Aaron spat. "Pfft." Alex rolls his eyes. John glares at Alex. "Says the one in a relationship as well." He growled.

Alexander gulps and shrinks down. John just glared at him before joining in a conversation with Lafayette and Aaron.

:-: :-:

We sit down and eat breakfast in the main deck, a man in a Magenta t-shirt and black jeans approaches us. His hair was wild and fluffy, and he had a nearly cut beard, he looked similar to Lafayette.

"Good morning pretty lil' lady~" He cooed as he gazes at me. I wrinkle my nose and scoot closer to Herc who has a fist forming. "Beat it Jefferson." The gang said in unison.

"I'm not here for you douchebags, I'm here for her." He spat and gestured to me. "Why don't you join me, instead of hanging out with these losers?" He asks me. "I'd rather not." I growl.

"C'mon, you looking for a good time, doll? I can hook ya' up, darlin' I promise you won't regret it..." He purred. I roll my eyes and tangle my arm with Herc's and look the man in the eye.

"I regret responding to you, and I'm taken." I scoff. He sat there frozen in shock but smirked, shrugging it off. "Darlin' you could always dump him for me~" he says smoothly. I ball my fist and stand up, walking towards him with my hips swaying.

Hercules stares in shock, I then act seductive. "Alright, c'mere~" I purr, he grins and closed his eyes, I grab him by his collar and punch him. I then turn back to the boys, leaving Jefferson with a back eye.

I sit back beside Hercules and grin smugly at Jefferson. He glares at me before someone approached him and gave him an ice pack, they then walked away.

"Damn. Remind me never to get on your bad side." Alexander mutters. I giggle and snuggle into Herc's side. "You had me worried for a second babygirl." He says and looks down at me. "Please. I'd never leave you, especially for some douche like him." I scoff.

He smiled and give me a kiss. "And that's why I love you." I smile back at him. "I love you too."
Our waitress comes back and gives us our meals, I dig into my food, devouring it quickly.

"You eat like you've never had food or it's your last meal." Alexander comments. Aaron rolls his eyes and takes a bite of his food. "Leave her be, you're a walking sin." He huffed.

Alexander snorts and glares at Aaron. "It's fine Burr-Bear." I murmur. "It's not. You're like the little sister I don't have." He smiled at me. I grin back. "Thanks Burr-Bear." I chirp. He nods with a shrug. "You're welcome I guess."

:-: :-:

We finish breakfast and make our way out of the dining room, I skip out and the gang follows behind as Hercules runs to catch up to me. "So what do you feel like doing today Kitten?" He asked me, I slowed down so we were waking and held his hand. "Ooh! How 'bout we go to the comedy club?" I squeal.

He chuckled lightly. "Alright, if it pleases you babygirl we can go." He cooed. I smile brightly and run off, the group and Hercules run after me.

(DISCONTINUED) Sweet n' Sour {*~Hercules Mulligan x Reader~*} (Modern)Where stories live. Discover now