What to do

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Herc's POV

I woke up to shuffling, I yawn and open my eyes and see Y/n getting ready for the day. Even without makeup she's gorgeous.

"Morning Sugar Lips." I smile as I get out bed and head into the bathroom, kissing her cheek as I went by. "Morning Teddy Bear." She responds.

:-: :-:

Once we're finished getting ready for the day we meet Lafayette, John, Alex, and Aaron at the breakfast buffet. I grabbed some Pancakes while Y/n decided for Waffles. (Sorry if you don't like waffles)


I sat down and grabbed some syrup and chocolate chips. "What's up with the chocolate?" John asked as he sat beside me. "They taste delicious with Waffles and syrup." I say as I pour the syrup over the Waffles, now having chocolate chips scattered around it.

I cut them up and began to eat. "Mmmm~" I have a muffled purr. Hercules slugged as sat on the other side of me. "Is it that good, Kitten?" He grumbled around a bite of Pancake. I nod and look at him fondly. "Oui~" was all I managed to get out.

After we finish breakfast we sat and chatted for a bit, deciding what we wanted to do for the rest of the day, since today was just being in the ship. Hercules snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, I obliged and cuddled up to his warmth.

"Well I know one thing they could do~" Alexander teased, pointed at Herc and I with a wink. I rolled my eyes and remained cuddled in his side. "You're so warmm," I chirped, exaggerating the 'm'. He chuckled lightly. "And you're very cuddly." He replied, giving me a light peck on the lips.

"Get a room!" Alexander muttered. I didn't look at him and lifted my hand, facing to towards him, and flipping him off. "You and your gay ass, shut it." I hiss. Alexander looks taken aback but doesn't, cause he doesn't k ow how to follow the rules!

"I don't care! Get. A. Room!" He repeats. I sigh and get up, grabbing my phone. "Fuck this shit I'm out." Was all I said before leaving.

I take the stairs to my floor since it was only a few level down, storming down the stairs. I then look at the 'odd' and 'even' signs. "I'm an odd number..." I murmur and head in that sign's direction.

I wander down the hall grim I came to my Cabin's door, I insert my room key and enter, slamming the door behind me. I set my phone down and collapse onto the bed, grabbing a pillow and screaming into it.

Herc's POV

"What the fuck Alex!" I growl. He shrugs and a Damien plays on his face. "Better go take that while you can." Is all he says. I roll my eyes and Lafayette punches his shoulder. "That's my sister Mon ami." He snarls.

Alexander doesn't respond and chats with John and Aaron. "Though, I do think you should go check on her mom ami." Laf says softly and turns to face me. I nod. "You're probably right." I get up  and grab al of what Y/n didn't grab that was hers, and my stuff and walk back to the cabin.

~*Short TimeSkip brought to you by KG3 twerking*~

I opened the Cabin door and enter, shutting the door softly behind me. "What's up?" I ask.

"Alexander gets on my nerves!" She spat. "I know, he gets on mine too. And everyone's." I commented. She giggled a bit. I then pulled her into a tight embrace. "So what do you want to do today, Kitten?" I asked.

She hesitated then chimed, "Can we mess with Alexander?" She asked and stared intently at me. "What, why?" I managed to get out. "Pleaseee~?" She whined. I sigh. "Why do you have to be so adorable?" I asked.


"Why do you have to be so adorable?" I shrug with a light giggle. I then think some more, an idea pops in my head... a... dirty one.

I take two of my fingers and walk them up his chest. "We could alway do something else~" I whispered seductively in his ear, sending a shudder down his spine.

"What did you have in mind~?" He asked in the same voice, cocking up a brow. I grin.

:-: :-:

I woke up late that afternoon and look over to see Hercules still passed out. I lift the covers and see both of us naked. I blush and grab some clothes, touching up my makeup.

I decided to stay in the room until he woke up, just so he doesn't panic, so I sat on the bed and went through Instagram.

(DISCONTINUED) Sweet n' Sour {*~Hercules Mulligan x Reader~*} (Modern)Where stories live. Discover now