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Ok. Sooo, we're gonna skip a few months of  school so we can get to summer break, then I'll start writing all the college stuff, I just don't feel like it right now. Enjoy!


I hear hushed voices and felt my pillow bounce, and laugh? Wait—Pillows don't laugh... I drowsily open my eyes and look around to see the HamilSquad and Hercules under me, my pillow, chuckling lightly.

I immediately blush and swiftly sit up, "Morning Y/N." My brother smiles and me with a wink, my face is still a deep shade of crimson. "M-Morning guys..." I manage to stammer our through my embarrassment.

"Morning Cuddles." Alexander grins. I roll my eyes. "Mornin' FrenchFry." John chirps. "Morning sleepyhead." Hercules smiles as he turns on the TV. I shift my weight and get off him, currently on his lap, and head towards the kitchen.

"Guys, it's summer break. We should do something." I call and see Alexander's head pop up. "But we are, we're watching TV." He replied and muffled 'yeahs' follow. "I mean like go on Vacation or something!" I chime as I come back into the living room with some Cereal.

"France!" Laf exclaims. "Non, we grew up there." I reply harshly, My brother just rolls his eyes in response. "Ooh! How 'bout Mexico mes amies?!" I wonder aloud and they all smile with a nod. "Fabulous! When I'm done eating I'll start packing." I murmur and shovel another bite in my mouth.

:-: :-:

A few hours later the guys are back and they've got their suitcases packed, Herc is still packing... to make sure we're not late I help him.

"How many pairs of boxers will you need?" I call over my shoulder as I pull out a drawer. "How long are we going for?" He asks. "Pfft, four days maybe?" I mutter. He shrugs. "Four pairs then-" He didn't get to finish since I threw the boxers at his face as I began to giggle.

"Thanks." He replied with a sarcastic tone. "Anything for you Hunkules." I murmur softly, he must've heard. Crap. "What was that?" He smirked and approached me. "N-Nothing Hunk-I-I mean Hercules." I stutter. "You're stuttering." His smirk got even wider.

"Ugh!" I stomp my foot in frustration, he laughs in response then looks back down at me. "It's alright, you can call me Hunklues.. but you have to let me call you Sugar Lips. Deal?" He asked in a low voice, careful not to let the guys hear. "And how would you know if I have Sugar Lips, Hmm?" I question.

"Well. If you let me I can test right now~" he whispers in my ear, I gulp and blush lightly. He then pulls away and looks at me still grinning. I grab him back his collar and drag him down to my level, kissing him, he kisses back.

I then pull away. "For sure, you have Sugar Lips." He comments. I giggle and we finish packing his suitcase. "Hey Hunklues?" I murmur. "Yes doll?" He replied with a wink. "I-uh.." I pause to find the right words. "Does that mean you want to be my girlfriend~?" He purred. And I managed to blush some more with a small nod.

He chuckled and pulls me into a warm hug. "Alright." He kisses my forehead. I smile giddily. "Now hurry up Teddy Bear! I can't carry that suitcase, it's heavier than mine, and that saying a lot." I skip out as he drags his suitcase behind him.

:-: :-:

The gang and I show up at the airport, we go through the security and then board the plane once we've shown our boarding passes.

Herc sits beside me and I take the window-seat, Aaron's on the other side of Hercules. Lafayette, John, and Alex are on the other side of the row with Laf in the center and John in the window-seat.

I pull one of the armrest's up and snuggle up to Herc's side, his warmth soothing me while he rubs small circles on my back. "Mind if I nap here?" I murmur with half closed eyes and start resting my head on his lap. He smiles. "Not at all Sugar Lips." He chimed.

The plane takes off as I doze off on his lap, my legs folded up and onto the seat. Aaron ignores us and starts reading his Poetry book.

I'm woken up due to Hercules shifting, I yawn and lift my head. "Sorry darling, didn't mean to wake you." He apologized. "It's alright Teddy Bear." I smile. I then turn my head and see why he had shifted, the flight attendant with food and drinks, waiting for his order.

"I'll take a F/D and some Pretzels please." I murmur she nods and writes it down. "Uh. Just a Coke please." Hercules added. She nods and starts heading away.

(Not gonna lie, the first time I rode a plane, I low-key thought they had Macaroni)

Moments later the woman returned and handed us our orders. "Have a nice day!" She smiled and walked away. I look back up at Herc and sip my drink. (Or soda)

"What? Why're you giving me those doe-eyes darling?" He asks. "Just admiring." I gave a cheeky grin. "Admiring what?" He arched a brow. "You. How'd I end up with you?" I respond. "Real question is, how'd someone so innocent end up with Hercules?" Alexander grumbled. Hercules didn't find it very funny but I did and started cracking up.

"So what's the plan for Mexico?" Herc asks causing the gang to lean in and wonder as well. "We're flying to Long Beach right now, then we'll hope on a cruise-boat, and arrive in Mexico about a day after. There'll be plenty to do." I smile. "And before you all ask, yes, there is a bar. Multiple actually." I chirp and then laugh.

:-: :-:

The plane comes to a rough and bumpy landing, we grabs our bags and suitcases form the overhead bin then exit.

We rent a car and drive off, making our way towards the Queen Mary, since it's by our ship.
We park the car, go through security and hose our passports, all that Jazz... then we finally get to board!

"I'm sharing a Cabin with Herc, Laf and Aaron you're together and John and Alex; you'll be sharing a Cabin." I explain, they stare at my quizzically but nod.

:-: :-:

Everyone drops there stuff off at their rooms, or Cabins, and makes their way to the main deck with the pool, bars, and more.

"I'm gonna get a drink...." I pause and think for a moment. "Tequila!" I exclaim and rush off as Hercules follows. "Wait up!" He shouts and I pause with a laugh.

He buys me some Tequila and I down it with a satisfied purr. "Alrighty then, Kitten." He chuckled lightly. "How do you do that though, doesn't Tequila burn?" He asked. "Mon dieu, good Tequila doesn't burn, Daddy~" I smile, the part of my sentence came out seductively.

A light tint formed on his cheeks and I giggled, trotting away as I began to strip, my swimsuit underneath, and tossed my clothes onto a chair. Herc and the gang follow, taking off their shirts.

Hercules does a cannonball and I swim over to him, I peck his lips and then dunk his head. "Hey!" He exclaims as I swim away, he wipes his face with a hand and swims after me.

:-: :-:

After a long day we get out of the HotTub and make our way back to the Cabins, I'm shivering so Hercules hands me a towel, we take the elevator to our floor.

Once we get in the room I quickly enter the bathroom and take a quick shower then hopped out and collapsed onto the bed, tossing my towel somewhere.

I curl up under the covers and roll over onto my side as Hercules slides under beside me, one of his toned arms wraps around my waist.
He pulls me close to him  and I snuggle up to his warmth, causing him to pull me even closer if that was possible.

"Goodnight Teddy Bear." I yawn and rolled around to face him, he smiled and kissed my head. "Goodnight darling." He whispers, I curl into his chest and doze off into a dreamless slumber. Hercules keeps a firm grip on me and falls asleep as well.

(DISCONTINUED) Sweet n' Sour {*~Hercules Mulligan x Reader~*} (Modern)Where stories live. Discover now