Pool Day!

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I yawned and sat up in bed, stretching my arms upwards. I glance over and see Hercules still asleep. I sigh and get out of bed, I take a shower and get dressed, doing my makeup.

I then lightly walk over to Herc's bed, leaping into him with a big smile. "Wakey wakey!" I shout, Hercules stirs and then opens his eyes to look at me. "What the fuck, it's Sunday." He says groggily.

"I don't care, get up! I want to do something today." I squeal and get off him. He huffs and sits up in bed, pulling the covers off him to reveal a shirtless Hercules. I blushed as I saw his toned body, it was honestly making him even more attractive.

"So what did you want to do today?" He questions, getting up and heading into the kitchen. "I made Coffee!" I yell as I race past him, with that heard he darts after me and hurriedly takes some Coffee and pours himself some.

"Hmm. Any amusement parks around Herc?" I questioned as I tilt my head, he glanced up at me from his Coffee. "There's a pool nearby," I murmurs. "Perfect!" I clap and begin to text our group chat.

FrenchFry: guys, Herc told me there's a pool nearby, wanna go?

Turtle-Boy: Sounds fun. I'm in!

FrenchBaguette: Oui!

SinnamonBun: Do we have to?

FrenchFry: No. but It'd be nice if you come.

Turtle-Boy: Alex. If you don't come, no sex for a week.

HorseFucker: Guys, none of us needed to know that...

SinnamonBun: Fine. I'll come.

FrenchFry: Great! Cya there in 15.

"So it's settled! Get your swimsuit on Herc!" I exclaim and trot into the bedroom and begin to change. As soon as I finish changing Herc walks in and changes as well, I was to busy looking at my Phone to notice.

"Les go!" I squeak due to the fact Herc picked my up playfully, I grab onto his neck in fear of falling. "Put me down Herc!" He looks at me with a smile. "Nu-uh." He replies.

:-: :-:

We arrive at the pool with the HamilSquad and Herc opens the car door for me, I step out and begin to run in fear of Hercules grabbing me again. To late. I'm steady in his arms as he prowls towards the pool.

I hold onto his neck again, but realize what he's doing. "N-no. Herc, put me down!" He winks, I'm dangling over the pool now. "As you wish." He grinned and drops me, I fall into the pool with a large splash.

I pop my head up and see Herc  laughing as he swims over to me. I shiver. The boys join in too and cause even bigger splashes. Lafayette swims up from behind me and dunks me, I'm still cold and shivering. "Now you're—how you say—used to it!" He chuckles.

I roll my eyes and latch onto Hercules, my legs wrap around his torso as my arms go around his neck, resting my cheek on his shoulder. I felt him bounce from laughing. "What are you doing Y/N?" He chuckles lightly. "Using you as a heater." I smile.

He then swims over to Alex and splashed him, and so a Splash War begins, Laf and John join in as I cling to Hercules for dear life. Eventually I'm splashed from behind, causing me to lose my grip from shock.

So I end up letting go, I float back to the surface and begin to splash the boys as well. I take out Alex by splashing water towards his eyes. "Ow! Y/N, you got my eyes!" He yells. "Shouldn't have challenged me." I shrug and swim away.

I the take out Laf by dunking him under then standing on his shoulders as I splash John, Lafayette eventually wiggles his shoulders so I get off and Lafayette swims back to the surface, swimming over to Alexander to join him.

John is just now out of it since Hercules basically caused a wave, now it's just me and Herc. I grin and begin to splash him as well.
He ends up winning cause he performs a wave..

I gasp as I try to swim away but it's too late and I'm already underwater. Hercules' dark hand reaches down and I take it as he yanks me up, I latch onto his side and wrap my legs around his torso.

He laughs and holds me secure, now I'm being held like you would with a baby when you're doing something. The boys start congratulating Hercules for winning. I continue to shiver but then get out of the pool, it's getting late anyways.

A cold breeze hits me and I shiver even more, Hercules notices. "Let's go home." He murmured softly. "Aww man! Why're you leaving so early?" Alexander shouts. "Look at her!" Herc snaps and waves a hand over my shaking frame. And without hesitation I race to the car and collapse into the seat.

Herc waves goodbye to the boys and gets in the car as well, tossing our towels and my clothes in the back.

"Can we at least stop at a drive-thru or something?" I asked quizzically as I buckled myself in. "Sure. What about In n' Out burgers?" I murmured as he started the engine. "Sure!" I squeak.

:-: :-:

We've grabbed some Burgers and we're still driving back to campus, eventually we show up and I get out as I finish up my burger, holding my fries in the other hand.

Herc gets out and grabs the rest of bags from the food and clothes as well as the towels In the back, he noticed some men checking me out and stood behind me protectively; glaring at them. Being as he was taller and more muscularly built they backed off.

I brushed it off and continued on to the dorm, trotting up the stairs and turning down the hall. I pulled out the keys and unlocked the door. We sat down and ate, falling asleep to Cartoon Network.

:-: :-:


I owe this to you guys, I've been on a cruise and there was no internet. Sorry.

(DISCONTINUED) Sweet n' Sour {*~Hercules Mulligan x Reader~*} (Modern)Where stories live. Discover now