Subject: I'm not a stalker...I think
Dear Nico, your last email made me laugh out loud, just when my mother was walking past my room, and she gave me a strange look. From now on I'll make sure my door is closed.
I'll explain why I know so much about you. Do you remember the last biology test? The one when they made us put our stuff near the teacher's desk? Well, that day I was a bundle of nerves and anxiety, which led me to put my private agenda on the wrong backpack.
I didn't know how to ask you for it, so during the next week, I observed you so that I could learn more about you. Even if you don't, believe me, I'm not so good at relationships; you know, kind of a nerd, no phone, among other insignificant details.
Let me tell you that on your attempt not to stand out, you stand out even more. You're like the black sheep in the class and that makes it easier for you to stand out. To me personally, you seem interesting; the first student I meet who enjoys going unnoticed.
Do you know anyone with a black plain backpack like ours?
Between you and me, it's not so tedious anymore, this of writing emails. I like...err, are we talking, chatting or what? Well, whatever it's called, with you. I suppose this is an old way of communication nowadays and wasn't really famous enough get a word that describes it. What if we invent one? I suggest "mail-do".
Answering your question, yes, you nailed it, I want to be a doctor and my dream is to get a scholarship at Harvard. Do you have dreams, Nico?
03/15/2016, 16:32 pm.

It's curious the way destiny plays. Two peculiar people among others and related to each other can live in the same space for an hour each week and not know of the existence of the other. Until there is a break in the routine of one of them and the...