Clarissa di Angelo!!
How dare you tell
that to Will?! 😡
16:27 ✓✓Easy, bro.
It's just that I don't trust the guy
Besides you're too young to have a boyfriend16:28 ✓✓
He's not my boyfriend, he's my friend!!
16:28 ✓✓Tell that to his emails.
It looks like he wants to do a move
on you from the beginning.
Believe me, little brother,
I know about guys 👐🏻
16:28 ✓✓He's not like other guys...
16:28 ✓✓Oh, no. No, Nico
Please don't tell me you're in love
16:28 ✓✓I never said that...
16:29 ✓✓What's it with the dots??
OMG no.
Omg, omg, omg
16:29 ✓✓Did you even think what
the fuck are you going to
do when Will finds out
you're my sister?!
16:29 ✓✓Umm...
He doesn't need to know that 😅
16:29 ✓✓How do you even know about the
email thing?
16:29 ✓✓There's this great thing called hacking
It's really useful when it comes to
manipulating little brothers
And watch your vocabulary Neeks,
Dad could hear you
16:30 ✓✓I knew it was strange that you were
so sweet at school.
Will was close by, wasn't he?
I can't believe you didn't
mind looking like a bitch
just to piss me off
16:30 ✓✓Take care of you*
And look at it this way,
I'm your guardian bitch 😉
16:30 ✓✓😒
I want you to send Will
another email telling him
you really are
16:30 ✓✓But, Nico...
16:31 ✓✓I said.
16:31 ✓✓😰 Gee, is the period serious?
16:31 ✓✓Nico?
16:32 ✓✓I know you're reading my messages
16:33 ✓✓Are you aware that leaving people
in seen is extremely rude?
16:33 ✓✓Fine, you win.
I'm doing it.
16:34 ✓✓Okay
16:34 ✓✓Clarissa is writing...
I did a The Fault in Our Stars pun
with my brother.Message not delivered.

It's curious the way destiny plays. Two peculiar people among others and related to each other can live in the same space for an hour each week and not know of the existence of the other. Until there is a break in the routine of one of them and the...