1st Letter From Will to Nico

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Dear Nico,

As you may have, or not, noticed (with the issue of the private agenda), I like to write. It's still missing, but that doesn't matter right now.

The thing is that I didn't see you at Biology class today, and realized how eager I was to see you until I didn't.

Class is not the same without you, Nico. At least for me.
I constantly glanced at your empty seat, or the doorway, in case you arrived. My class feedback was embarrassing to the point of hurting my biogeek pride. (It's a word I just made up. Cool right? It occurred to me because some people are specifically good at any subject or many of them. I'm good at Biology, Anatomy and related).

Anyway, the teacher asked me questions I couldn't answer. Then asked me what happened. I had to lie, something I hate doing. How was I supposed to explain in front of everyone that I was thinking of you? I can't even explain it to myself. I only know that I don't want you being absent again.

I get you had something and that it's a selfish thought, but I had to write it the way it is. Paper is the only way to be completely honest. Words are the only ones that get how I'm feeling. I'm not sure if I'll give this letter, because it's really cheesy and kind of... weird.

Bye, imaginary Nico and if it gets to the real one's hands... I'll be dying from embarrassment while you read the letter, and probably regretting giving it to you.

But what can I do?

You failed, Nico, you're anything but invisible to me.


The letter was torn at the end and put together again with tape, and Nico's smile couldn't be wider.

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