My Home Is Here With You - Pt. 5.

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Hi! To anyone who attempted to read this yesterday and came to a certain point where it no longer made sense, I'm sorry. Wattpad fucked me over and removed all my quotation marks and apostrophes, so I had to fix things up before publishing.

Also, this is really reallllly long.

Dinah opened her mouth to say something, but decided against it as Normani collected their plates and hurriedly made her way to the kitchen. The Polynesian sighed and leaned back in her chair.

Normani had been like this all day. Quiet, short and lowly dismissive. She hadn't heard the older woman speak a full sentence in over twenty four hours, and it was driving her crazy. The fact that she hadn't heard her own name from the woman's mouth drove her even more crazy. She was at the point where she wanted to pull her hair out.

She sighed again before getting up from the table, securing the chair underneath the table, and making her way to the living room where she sat down next to Lilly, who had already excused herself ages ago - causing an awkward silence between Dinah and Normani - to watch Paw Patrol.

Lilly immediately climbed into Dinah's lap, leaning back against the blonde before pushing her tiny thumb into her mouth. Dinah smiled a little before gently taking her hand from her mouth and then supporting Lilly so that she doesn't fall.

"Ma thick?"

Dinah frowned as she looked down at Lilly, resisting the urge to touch her bush of curls. "Huh?"

"Mommy thick?" Lilly repeats with a frown of her own. It upset her when people didn't understand her.

"Mommy... Normani Mommy?" Dinah began deciphering, smiling when Lilly nodded. "Okay... thick. Yeah, she's thick." Dinah confirmed with a small chuckle.

"She cuffin?" Lilly asks, and Dinah grunts lowly. She knew Lilly got frustrated.

"Cuffin?" She asks in the lightest tone that she could.

"Yes." Lilly nods and then lifts her tiny fist to her mouth, imitating a cough.

"Ohhhh." Dinah drags out in realisation before chuckling. "Coughing."

"Yes." Lilly couldn't be more proud.

"No baby, mommy isn't coughing. She's not... oh... sick." A small chuckle escapes the blondes throat. "But she is thick too."

"She thad?" Lilly questions, and Dinah sighs before licking over her lips.

"Yeth." She clears her throat before correcting herself. "I mean yes. She's just a little not happy right now."

"Be better soon?" Dinah can't help but smile at the concern Lilly has for her mother, and the fact that she tried really hard to pronounce the 's' for soon. She was so adorable.

"Yeah. Be better soon." Dinah repeats in reassurance before dropping her voice to a mumble. "I hope."

The two continued to watch television in silence, or more so, Lilly did, while Dinah tried her best to figure things out. The blonde sat with a conflicted expression for at least half an hour, before it was broken by Normani.

As Dinah looked up, she saw that Normani wouldn't even look her in the eye, and she wasn't even there for her either. She remained silent as Normani reached for Lilly, and took her into her arms without so much as a word towards her, before walking away.

Dinah kept her gaze on Lilly as she waved to her over Normani's shoulder. It put a small smile on Dinah's face, but only for as long as Lilly was still in the room. When the dark skinned woman exited with her baby over her shoulder, Dinah's eyes fell to the ground as she assaulted her lower lip with her pearly whites, before running her hands down her face.

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