My Home Is Here With You (Final)

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It was quiet - strangely. When both Lilly and Dinah were in a room, it would by no means be "quiet", there were no gaps for silence between the giggles and loud talking, but today, it was quiet. Today, it was the "last supper".

The only reason that Lilly was quiet, was because she could sense that something was wrong with Normani. She dwelled on the past experiences when Dinah had told her "keep it down, mommy is sick/has a headache". Not even Leona, a lover of silence, could stand it. The four sat around the dinner table, Leona having made cottage pie - per her request and insistence (she didn't want to put too much weight on Normani) - and a seperate mac and cheese that Lilly couldn't help but stuff her mouth with.

Normani reached over with a napkin and drew it over Lilly's face, removing the mess she had made, her hands and eyes dwelled on the toddler's features a little longer as her eyes shone, it was as if she was forcing herself to remember what Lilly looked like, because she would kill herself if she forgot. Lilly frowned as she saw Normani's glossy eyes, and she reached forward and took the napkins out of Normani's hand, wiping her face - as best she could - as well. Normani closed her eyes and let a tear go as she tried her best to smile at the sweet action.

Dinah, who had barely touched her food (strange since it was her favourite dish from her mother), sucked her lips in as she herself tried not to cry. She was so sure her heart had been heard breaking. "Do you want me to take her-"

Leona placed her hand on Dinah's arm and shook her head. Normani scooped Lilly up and placed her on her hip, Lilly immediately cuddling into her. "I'm going to go and give her a bath." Dinah doesn't miss the way Normani's voice wavers. The mother and daughter nod before Dinah sends her mother a questioning look.

"I just wanted to bathe her." Dinah states, and Leona nods before taking Dinah's hands into her own.

"I know baby. But remember this is her last time with Lilly indefinitely." Leona speaks, looking into Dinah's eyes, making sure her daughter understands.

"I know Ma. But it's my last time with her too."

"Yes, but that's her daughter." Leona reminds her. "I understand you guys are close, but remember that Normani and Lilly were all each other knew for a while."

"I know." Dinah sighs as she pushes her chair back from the table, earning a sad look from Leona. "I just... I hate seeing Normani so broken, and I'm really going to miss Lilly."

"They will let you guys fight for her." Leona says as she moves closer to Dinah, tucking a messy blonde hair behind her ear. "Just not now. Remember its a month trial."

"It's hopeless Ma." Dinah allows her hard exterior to crack. "If he can get this thing right, he can do so again after the trial or probation period."

"If he's going to play dirty, we'll play dirty too."

Dinah pulls away from Leona's hold, looking over at her. "Ma? Are you serious?"

Leona looks down as she shakes her head. "There is no way they could label Normani as an incompetent mother." She shakes her head in denial. "No way. I have reason to believe that he played dirty. I don't and will never be able to see Lilly with a man who uses deceit to get what he wants. So if its a war he wants, its a war he'll get." She declares. "It's just unfortunate that there's a waiting period."


"Yes baby?"

"I love you." Dinah tells her mother, tears brimming in her eyes. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, offered me, done for me. I know how hard you're trying."

Leona knows it's the worst situation possible to do so in - but she smiles - widely as well as she pulls Dinah in for a hug, pressing a kiss on the top of the blonde's head. "You know I'll do anything for you. And Normani, and Lilly. I love you too."

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