Chapter 7

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Ron's cov.

I sat in my car thinking to myself what I was supposed do. Carly had made it clear she didn't want me to go with her. She looked so devastated after the call she had received from the person she didn't wanna talk to me about. We were having such a great time until then. Though I didn't get to hear what she felt for me through her mouth, her eyes said everything I wanted to hear. I knew she felt the same way. I was so anxious for her though! She looked so angry and was full of rage that it scared me a little. I had never seen that side of her before. It broke me. I wanted to know what was wrong. I wanted to be there for her. I wanted to console her and tell her everything would be okay; but she denied me that chance.

I had to be patient, wait for her call, and be ready to hear what she had to say to me. I trolled down the window to stare at her apartment. Yeah, I was still in her parking lot waiting for her to come back. I was desperate. She had left me there saying she was in a hurry. I wanted to follow her so badly but I figured she would get angry if she saw me so I decided to wait for her at her apartment; well, in her parking lot to be precise.

I laid my head back on the head rest of my seat and closed my eyes with a deep sigh.

Carly's cov.

My heart hurt, my head throbbed and my belly was shrinking as I waited for Kate. It had been three minutes but it felt like forever. I watched her walk in to the coffee shop. Our eyes met and she gasped before she headed my way and took a seat in front of me.

I gulped.

"Hi Carly!" she said in her lowest tone. Being here with me was as hard for her as it was for me. Telling such a thing to me over the phone wasn't a great choice either but I wouldn't be sitting here with her if it wasn't for her words.

"Start from the beginning!" I said roughly.

I had no time for greetings. As much as I didn't wanna trust a word that was going to come out of her mouth, I wanted to hear what she had to say so bad that it hurt.

"You mother and I were best friends." I stared at her. "How come I never heard of a Kate from her?"

"We both attended the same high school. That was how we met. But later I moved to Boston and never returned. I didn't attend her wedding either but she did attend mine here in Boston. You were two years then. That was the first time I saw you."

"I get it. You knew my parents so what? What does it have to do with their death?"

She gasped. "Though we were a part from each other, Maggy still told me everything that went on in her life. On the outside the Johnson family was the happiest but inside, it was otherwise. Scary and bad things went on Carly!"

"What are you talking about? There was no such thing! How can you say such things about my family?"

"Carly, calm down! Maggie and Erick did all they could to keep you away from the scariest parts. You lived in a big house, you got everything you wanted in life... everything was perfect for you Carly! But do you know what happened behind the scenes?" I stared at her my teeth clenched. What was she saying all of a sudden? Of course I had a happy life and it was real. It wasn't a lie!

"Your father and mother were kidnapped several times .Your dad would get beat up severely and then be forced to watch your mother get raped." I stared at her, my head blank, my mouth open from the shock. "What?" The words couldn't get out of my mouth.

"I tried to tell your mother to report the incident but whenever they did try to file a case, it was closed before the word could even get in! The kidnappers threatened to kill you if they ever reported again or said anything to anyone. Your parents suffered a lot for you. Every move they made, he was always one step ahead! They couldn't stop him!"

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